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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT/BACKGROUND: Our team at ŠCNM is committed to supporting EU projects due to the excellent experience from previous projects as well as due to the fact that mobility is an integral part of the school’s strategic development. One of the objectives of the participation in Erasmus+ was to enhance the internationalization and the mobility of students and teachers of all the programmes at the Higher vocational school of Novo mesto. The aim was to make students understand that participation in such projects might be an important step towards their future employment anywhere in the European Union: teachers must understand that they have to prepare students for employers who seek candidates who are versatile, flexible, broad-minded, and highly-motivated for changes and innovations. Another objective of the project was to raise awareness on the part of the participants, about European democracy, entrepreneurship and career management step by step. We put the accent on the preparation of students from writing CVs, letters of motivation, evaluation forms, reports, to taking job-interviews and their work placements. At one stage of this process the partners and the mentors abroad introduced them to their work assignments, various requirements, standards, health and safety at work. NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS: a). work placement for 2 students in their 2nd year of study, lasting three months. - 1 student in Ireland, Cork, programme Environmental engineering, - 1 student in the UK, Plymouth, programme IT b). job-shadowing for 3 lectures in the UK - Plymouth - BSc in mechanical engineering, lecturer at mechanical engineering department - BSc in electrical engineering, lecturer at electrical engineering/electronics department - BA in English and Sociology, lecturer of English OBJECTIVES: Students: - BEECHWOOD COMMUNICATION: marketing and editing web pages. The student's task was testing the proper functioning of websites and their re-testing after reviewing programmer. - MARINE RENEWABLE ENERGY IRELAND a research institute in the field of environmental protection. The student's task was to help in the project called Maribel to implement wind and marine renewable energy offshore in the Atlantic, assisting in the preparation of reports on the possibilities to create combined systems: wind, wave and tidal power. Lecturers: They explored:the policy of student placements in the UK, how students apply, how mentors are appointed (do they need additional training?), requirements students have to meet in terms of skills, competencies, manners, ethics, benefits a student gains from the placement, benefits an employer gains, cooperation enterprises/ colleges (is there a mentor in college who supervises students’ placements? Do colleges have a network of enterprises student can select from/apply for a placement?), assessing students’ performances. RESULTS/LONG-TERM BENEFITS - Students had full recognition -certificate from the institution where they accomplished their work placement and full recognition from our school, according to the programme, 13 or 14 ECTS. We ensured their conclusion of satisfactorily completed traineeship mobility activity in the final record of student achievements (Diploma Supplement) as mentioned in the ECHE. - lecturers got a certificate from the partner institution and a certificate from our school of having participated in this project, both certificates allow lecturers to attain a bigger level in their lecturer careers. - students accomplished their work placement in 2 recognized institutions (BENCHWOOD COMMUNICATION and MARINE RESEARCH CENTER). Our expectations have been exceeded: both institutions agreed on future cooperation in other research and development projects in the field of environmental protection and information technology. We are discussing the possibility of inviting experts from these institutions to our school in order to organise lecturers in the mentioned fields. Both institutions already agreed to receive 2 students from our next Erasmus+ 2016 project. - The group of lecturers met directors and leaders of education departments in factories and at University of Plymouth. They visited 5 factories and saw the production line with experts. They improved their knowledge of Business and Technical English, they discussed about skills and competences that employers are looking for in technical fields, they discussed on future cooperation: the possibility of inviting some experts from these institutions to our school in order to organise lecturers to our students. Those enterprises already agreed to receive 3 students from our next Erasmus+ 2016 project. At same time this mobility allowed the monitoring and the evaluation of the work done by our student of IT technology who was accomplishing his work placement in Plymouth and the meeting with his tutor.

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