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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Owing to the growing globalisation more and more social, economic and environmental problems can only be solved in cooperation with other European and international partners. As future civil servants on the European, national, regional and local level, the graduates of the University of Applied Sciences Kehl need to be prepared appropriately for this reality. This in mind and in the framework of the internationalisation strategy adopted in January 2014, Kehl University pursues systematically the bundling of its international activities with the aim of deepening the relationships to strategically relevant cooperation partners and facilitating the international knowledge transfer in the field of teaching and research to the benefit of the students. The participation of Kehl University in the ERASMUS Mobility project (KA103) aims to contribute to the following objetives: 1. Strengthening the intercultural competences of students and staff members 2. Enhancing the ability of implementing projects with international partners and breaking down EU policies and programmes into regional and local administrative actions 3. Intensifying network management skills (knowledge management, build-up and fostering networks with international partners in teaching and research) 4. Develop competences for building-up innovative solutions on all levels through benchmarking, comparison of best practices, etc. Within the scope of the ERASMUS-Mobility project 2014, 45 students of the B.A. „Public Management“ absolved a 3-month traineeship abroad. Most traineeships took place in public administration bodies in English- or German-speaking foreign countries within the EU. In the area of staff mobility for teaching purposes, two university lecturers carried out a guest lectureship at the Cag University in Mersin, Turkey. The topic of their lectures was „The relationship between Turkey and Germany in the context of the European Union“. Additionally, a representative of the Kilkenny City Council (Ireland) could be recruited as an incoming-lecturer for the in-depth study course „European public management", which forms part of the B.A. programme „Public Management“. During the 3-day seminar he introduced the various administrative systems of different english-speaking countries. A staff mobility for training was carried out by four employees: - The head of the international office visited the National University of Public Service in Budapest, Hungary to perform a 4-day job shadowing with the purpose of exchanging best-practices between the International Offices of both Universities as well as the development of a cooperation in the framework of different funding programmes (ERASMUS, Baden-Württemberg-Stipendium, etc). - The public relations officer of Kehl University took part in a 5-day job-shadowing at the Université de Bretagne Occidental in Brest, France, to experience how the internal and external communication is managed in a bigger institution. - A research asssistant took part in a 4-day further training course related to „Cross-border Innovation Management“ at the Université de Artois in France. - A university lecturer visited an English course at a language school in Barcelona, Spain, which offers special teacher training courses for foreign languages. Through their internships abroad, the students have made personal and professional progress. They have gained an insight into another culture, broadened their knowledge of a foreign language and strengthened their intercultural competences. Many used their stay abroad to build-up professional networks and show now greater interest in a career in the international field or for positions where they have the possibility to work with people from other cultural backgrounds. The experience also led to the fact that a lot of students following their internships choose to take part in the in-depth study course „European public management and international relations“ and apply for the M.A. programme „European Public Management“ at the end of their studies. Tangible results of the teaching staff mobilities at the Cag University in Mersin are the conclusion of a Memorandum of Understanding, which has been adopted by the Senat of Kehl University and which covers further measures than the ERSAMUS inter-institutional agreement that was already in place at the time of the mobilities. This lead to the implementation of a German-Turkish seminar with students from both universities this year. Additionally, six students from the Cag University are going to spend the winter semester 2016/17 at the University of Applied Sciences in Kehl. The staff mobilities for training have had similar results. ERASMUS inter-institutional agreements have been concluded with the National University of Public Service (Budapest) and the Université de Bretagne Occidental (Brest).
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