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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Hungarian University of Fine Arts was granted a financial support for a 16-month-long ERASMUS+ higher education mobility project in 2014. The project period was extended to 24 months in 2015 with the approval of the National Agency (Tempus Public Foundation). The original project plans included 46 student, 5 teaching and 3 staff training mobility actions, which was modified in accordance with the extended project duration: in total 87 students, 7 faculty and 7 staff persons participated in mobility at our parner institutions. To ensure the financial support of the increased mobility actions HUFA successfully applied for supplementary grants; the Grant Agreement No. 2014-1-HU01-KA103-002147 signed in 2014 was supplemented four times providing additional financial support for the implementation of the project. During the project the mobility actions were carried out in harmony with the institutional and project objectives, and also with the fulfilment of our obligations described in the ERASMUS University Charter. The selection procedure of participants featured open call and the involvement of the various departments of the university which approved applications after considering professional, artistic and personal ability aspects. Due to this careful selection the vast majority of participants reported significant competence (in particular problem-solving, openness to and understanding of different cultures, foreign language knowledge) and personal development as outcome of their studies abroad. At the same time long-term impact was generated through the learning of new approaches and methods, and the exchange of good practices in the higher education of art, which considerably enriched the professional experience of both faculty and staff participants. During the project period the outgoing student mobility was 15% higher than the incoming, the number of incoming staff was less than half of the outgoing one, while HUFA received almost twice as many faculty as it sent out. Beyond the mobility actions the university focused also on enlarging its institutional network and managed to increase the number of its bilateral institutional agreements by 10%.
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