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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project of 2014 was conducted in concordance with the basic principles of the Erasmus Charta for Higher Education 2014-2020 and also in concordance with the international strategy of the University of Music Lübeck. The formal and legally documented task of the University of Music Lübeck is the support of international cooperations, especially in the European realm in Higher Education and to foster the exchange between German and foreign universities. In order to fulfill this task, the students and the personel were offered multifold exchange possibilities with a reasonable amount of partner institutions. The intended mobility could almost completely be realised. The quantitative prerequisites and especially the various qualitative contents could be successfully achieved. The mobilities were conducted in concordance with the respective contracts with our partner institutions (IIA). The selection of the candidates was done with special care in regard to equality, non-discrimination and transparency. Informations about the program have always been available for everyone in the following ways: website of the university, through various information public events and via individual advisory talks. Thanks to that mobility, the participants were able to improve significantly in regard to profession, social, intercultural and language abilities. Furthemore it has a lasting influence on quality assurance and the internationalisation of our institution (in concordance with the international strategy of the University of Music Lübeck). It had also a siginifcant influence on the intercultural and social competences of the students.
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