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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

At Kauno Kolegija/UAS participation in the Erasmus + programme is considered as one of the most important instruments for implementing the strategic objectives of the institutional strategy 2020, especially the one - to improve the conditions for international openness of studies. The Kauno Kolegija/UAS Strategic Plan 2020 foresees the annual increase in mobility flows, e.g. the percentage of students participating in ex-change programmes (outgoing) of the total number of students in the study programme by year 2020 should be 20% while in 2015 the value of this performance indicator should reach 9 %. The strategic documents also seek the balance between outgoing and incoming students by year 2020. The percentage of teachers participating in ex-change programmes (outgoing) of the total number of teachers in the study programme by year 2020 should be 20 %, while in 2015 the value of this performance indicator should reach 15%. Therefore, student, teacher as well as other staff mobility under Erasmus + programme is highlighted in the annual activity plans of all academic units, the annual growth of 20% is foreseen in the planned figures. In order to determine the planning, execution, performance assessment and ensure the quality of academic mobility and that it would be conducted transparently and in line with the requirements set out in governing documents the academic mobility management is described in the Quality and Social Responsibility Management System Procedures System of the institution.The Erasmus+ mobility is implemented in compliance with Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020. It is organized through the Unit of International Studies, project coordinators of academic divisions who regularly organize information seminars for students, help to plan and implement student and staff mobility activities, to prepare necessary documents, to receive incoming students and teachers. The mobility activities are under constant development, important issues are discussed in the Directorate meetings. In order to integrate foreign students into the academic life of Kauno Kolegija/UAS and generally ? in Kaunas city, the Mentoring programme has been developed. Mentors of Kauno Kolegija are the members of Erasmus Student Network (ESN). When talking about the Erasmus+ mobility activities in year 2014-2015 it should be emphasized that all types of mobility have been implemented. The overall Erasmus student mobility has been increased by 11%; namely the mobility for traineeships increased by 43,5%, while the mobility for studies decreased almost by 20%. Totally 262 students participated in Erasmus+ mobility programme during the reported period. It is worth mentioning that the scope of student mobility in different study areas considerably differs. The highest percentage of it is in social and technological study areas, namely Tourism and Hotel Management, Catering, Media Technologies. The institution notes the considerable decrease (of about 40%) in the number of incoming students. Currently the reasons of it are being analysed, later on measures to attract more incoming students will be foreseen.The presumption is that Erasmus+ programme financial support for student mobility for studies is not sufficient. The scope of Erasmus+ staff mobility in academic year 2014-2015 has been the same as in 2013 -2014 and covers 90 staff members totally. Academic mobility has had a positive impact on the study process as well as lifelong learning activities: the number of study subjects / programmes taught in English has increased; students and teachers have gained the experience of working in international classroom environment, they have improved their foreign language and intercultural communication skills. During studies common projects with foreign students have been carried out. The comparative analysis of the real business cases of different countries has been performed. The students have participated in international students? scientific conferences and prepared their final papers under the supervision of teachers from partner institutions. Study programmes have been improved by integrating new aspects, increasing their internationality, multidisciplinarity and links with business world. Such skills as adaptation in a different environment / culture, teamwork, independency, etc. have been developed. The surveys show that the most important effects of the academic staff mobility on the institutional activities were the application of innovative teaching methods used by foreign partners in study process, development of communication skills and broadening of worldview, renewal of the curriculum and teaching material.

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