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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The INSA Strasbourg, which origins date back to 1875, is a large public and polytechnic school, under the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research. It is part of a group of 6 institutes in France. A seventh institute joined the group in 2015: the INSA Euro-Méditerranée Fès, in Moroco. Since 2003, the school requires from all its students that they spend at least 3 months abroad, either through an internship, or through an academic exchange: this is compulsory for getting the Engineer or Architect diploma. This project fits into this policy which is decidedly focused towards internationalization. One of the strategic lines of the development encourages the mobility of studies and internships in Europe, especially to the neighboring countries. This project supports this European part of the international strategy. As part of this project, 61 students could benefit from the support of the Erasmus + Program for their academic mobility in a partner university in Europe, among them 56 students with an Erasmus + grant. 55 beneficiaries received a financial support for a practical experience in a company or laboratory in a host organization in Europe. Two teachers and 2 members of the administrative staff achieved a teaching or staff mobility in a European institution. The mobility for studies and the mobility for traineeships concern the whole initial training, and both of these fields of activities contribute to it quite equally. All training years are included from the second training year on, in accordance with the eligibility criteria that apply in the context of this project. The academic mobilities mainly spread on a study semester and the students mostly leave in 4th and 5th study year. The final projects that are realized during the last training semester in a company or in a laboratory concern 40% of the departures. In the frame of its policy of financial support allocation, the school pays a particular attention to it. The other traineeship mobilities essentially take place during the summer period and are also part of the academic training. The present project makes the international policy of the school clearer. It allows supporting it effectively by providing a structural tool. Indeed, the existing academic and industrial partnerships are managed with management tools that are shared by all the people involved in a well-defined supranational administrative frame, whose supporting structure is constituted by a breeding ground of 53 inter-institutional Erasmus + agreements. The payed grants allow taking in account the social inequalities and are all the more valuable, as they are allocated to the beneficiaries in the context of a school policy that encourages all the students to get an experience abroad. In the long term, this project contribute to a durable anchoring of the international policy of the INSA Strasbourg, that aims to train future managers, engineers and architects, who are able to integrate professional, cultural and society oriented challenges on a European, and even world level.
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