Search for European Projects

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mobility project for higher education students and staff with programme countries. Internationalization has a central role in the university’s strategy according to which Lapland UAS aims to be an internationally recognized educator, developer and partner. Participation to Erasmus+ programme supports Lapland UAS’ aim to achieve the internationalization objectives. Participating in Erasmus+ programme enables our students to have international experience and gain additional skills and competencies other than those to be acquired in the home university. To staff members participation to the Erasmus+ programme enables sharing good practices with international partners and gaining knowledge to further develop university’s pedagogical approaches and methods, such as ICT- based learning environments including simulation, distance and network-based learning as well as competence and problem based learning method which both are widely used in Lapland UAS
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