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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

One of the most important instruments in the internationalisation of the DIT is participation in the Erasmus Programme as well as compliance with the Erasmus Charter. ERASMUS+ is the largest exchange programme at the DIT; it plays a key role in raising the profile of the DIT in terms of the internationalisation of its programmes, research and services as well as ensuring student success through a guaranteed recognition of studies abroad. The DIT focuses particularly on increasing its number of interns and students. Flexible financing of studies abroad is made possible and the third-party funding balance of the DIT has been further improved. For the faculties, there are financial incentives to participate in international projects and partnerships, and the time needed for this has been granted (two research professorships). An interest in applied research has a positive influence on the courses and opens up opportunities for development for young researchers and scientists. The core focus is on the promotion of student exchanges (2014/15: 110 Mobilitäten) as well as ERASMUS+ stays for internships 2014/15: 24 Mobilitäten), which raises the level and quality of education. The close cooperation of universities strengthens the scientific collaboration and exchange. The intercultural orientation and the focus on international instruction is fostered through the mobility of teachers (2014/15: 5 Mobilitäten) and staff (2014/15: 12 Mobilitäten), which expands the DIT’s scope and makes it attractive for students and teachers from all over Europe. In this way the ratio of international students has seen an increase as planned, and life on campus has an international character. The majority of students in the ERASMUS+ initiative come from the field of business and economics, since their courses abroad are easily recognized due to a mandatory semester abroad (so called “Mobility Windows”), and mandatory foreign language courses. Through intensive advertising for the programme, the positive experiences of ERASMUS+ students from engineering programmes, and through a standardised process for recognising courses, the number of ERASMUS+ students from technical faculties is also increasing. For a successful stay abroad as part of ERASMUS+, the DIT offers students a broad range of opportunities. English courses are mandatory in all programmes; a second foreign language is also mandatory in certain programmes (Tourism Management, International Management). The Language Centre of the DIT offers a wide range of language courses during the semester as well as intensive courses in the semester break to ensure students are optimally prepared for their stay abroad. The International Office and Career Services organise intercultural training to prepare for the exchange semester as well as workshops on applying for an internship abroad. Diverse information events and individual advisory services help to clarify the various opportunities available in the ERASMUS+ programme and help students to find a suitable exchange. Internationally oriented programmes with a mandatory semester abroad (International Management, Applied Economics) as well as programmes which strongly recommend a stay abroad and simplify the process of recognising courses (Tourism Management, International Tourism Management, Business Administration) increase the motivation to study abroad, support the internationalisation strategy of the university and emphasise the relevance of ERASMUS+. In the European network of Universities, existing partnerships are being further developed and strengthened (e.g. there are more double degree programmes) and international content (foreign languages, among other content) is being better incorporated into programmes. A standardised and transparent process of course recognition minimises the barriers to studies abroad and increases the number of students who plan an exchange semester. In this way, students in engineering programmes are also encouraged to venture abroad. For internships abroad, there are clear quality guidelines and standards, and compliance is reviewed by designated professors. In the seminars offered by Career Services, students learn specific skills and gain the necessary key qualifications to ease their entry into a career. Students with special needs in particular are taken into consideration; e.g. young people with a migration background. All in all, Erasmus+ increases the DIT’s attractiveness for students and academics and raises the quality of education.
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