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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND The sending institution is located in Badajoz, southwestern city of Spain , with a population of 150,000 The school is in a modern area of the city. The families have an medium socioeconomic status. The school participated in the previous Erasmus program since the 2010-11 academic year to the 2013-14 course , continuously . Almost 100 % of the participating students were enrolled in the Higher Level Training Course " Transport Management " . 80% of participating students was offered an employment contract at the end of practice . All agreed. GOALS: The main objectives for Erasmus Project + 2014 (16 months ) were as follows : 1. Strengthening the relationship with the companies participating in the previous Erasmus ( LLP ) program 2. Increase the number of participating companies 3. promote the employability of students 4. Perform the first teacher mobilities NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS STUDENTS: Three people between 20 and 25 years old , students of Higher Vocational Training Programme " Transport Management " . All they stand out for their high motivation towards project They have studied the language of the destination country (Portugal ) for two years Two of them have participated in the program through the SEPIE scholarship and one from the mode. Two students were offered to work for the company at the end of practice and currently remain part of its workforce . Staff: Both teach in the professional "Trade and Marketing" family. ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT Students have completed their training practice in two multinational companies located in Portugal , one of them in Lisbon and the other one in Campo Maior Mobility has been 2.5 months in the three case In addition to putting into practice the knowledge acquired during their training period , they were able to practice and perfect a second language and work in multicultural environments. Erasmus + contributes to their personal development because they have to deal with unfamiliar situations in a different language and in an environment (the professional) , unknown to them. Staff has participated doing a training in Portugal and a job shadowing in Belgium. In both cases , the stay was five days plus two day trip. Students and teachers highly value the Erasmus + experience and think it may have significance in their career. RESULTS AND IMPACT OBTAINED . LONG-TERM BENEFITS . First, let's compare the goals with the results achieved : Objective 1: Strengthening the relationship with the companies participating in the previous Erasmus ( LLP ) program A company that had collaborated with the sending institution in the past, has hosted two students. It has also shown interest in receiving students next year. Objective 2: Increase the number of participating companies. Stated goal : we have worked with three new companies . Objective 3 : To promote the employability of students. Stated goal : two students have been hired by the host company . The third one has started university studies of Portuguesse language. Objective 4: Perform the first staff mobilities. Stated goal: this year , for the first time , teachers have made mobility. Among the expected long-term benefits , include the following : For the sending organization Creating a network of companies participating in the Erasmus + project. Provide the organization of an international profile , as added value. Become a benchmark in terms of the employability of its students participating in Erasmus + . Benefits for receiving institutions: Form an international workforce Take advantage of specific training received by workers in their origin countries Consolidate a system of staff selection based on professional practices For participating students Perfecting a foreign language Have an international work experience related to their training, in multinational companies. Know the culture and way of working in another country For participating staff: Enter an international focus in their teaching Both, students and teachers, report a high degree of satisfaction. Given the objectives achieved , it would be desirable for future courses have more mobilities Noting the results, it is justified the cost of the program

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