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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

HECI, Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Commerce International, which is part of Association Educative La Salle Saint Louis Sainte Barbe, puts international development at the top of its agenda. For that effect, it has set up teaching programmes from Year 2 to year 5 with courses specialized in international trade including compulsory mobilities for traineeships and studies. In this framework, HECI has notably signed institutional agreements and developed academic and business partnerships in Europe and overseas, quality and equal chances to all participants remaining key concerns. The content of the courses developed at HECI and its partner schools are adapted to the economic, geopolitical and intercultural environments and are regularly updated. The missions of the traineeships are adapted to the business environment of the partner companies. The school is committed to providing the incoming and outgoing participants with guidance and one-to-one support on the cultural and language level on one hand, on the logistics part ( insurance, visa and accommodation) on the other hand. All the steps and administrative procedures are described in guides given out to the participants. At the end of the mobility, participants receive an academic transcript of their mobility, enabling them to have the full recognition of their mobility activities ( 30 ECTS credits per semester). The programme has enabled 37 participants to go on mobilities in 7 different countries : 15 as part of a traineeship mobility, 21 in a studies mobility and 1 in a staff mobility. The various destinations offered have enabled each one to choose the country of their expectations regarding the language, culture, business environment but also financially speaking. Eventually, almost all the participants said they were satisfied with their experiences. The competences acquired are notably the discovery of different cultural models, personal development through team work, and adaptation to a new context. The programme has enabled HECI to speed up its international development and increase its partnerships by 75%. The schools has thus been able to offer its students from year 1 to Year 5 the possibility to go abroad for studies or traineeships as part of quality programmes while benefiting from European financial support. These successful mobilities have direct consequences on the results at the exams and the participants job prospects in companies trading internationally. The entire programme can be consulted on our website ( and in the documents provided by HECI.
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