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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Faculty of Health Care Jesenice (FHCJ) has decided to apply for the project with the aim putting the faculty in international context. International cooperation and faculty visibility represent important aspect of faculty further development and work. FHCJ vision is to become recognized institution in context of study process quality and quality of student knowledge. Both things based in holistic approach satisfying patient needs and capability of knowledge integration into practice. FHCJ educates health care professionals and is obliged to development of all students, stuff and teachers. Connecting internationally gives FHCJ possibility to build international comparable education programs and to follow FHCJ vision – constant quality improvement. This is why FHCJ sees international cooperation as progress in institutional development and development of broader society. FHCJ aim in the project is to improve the level of knowledge and competences, resulting in greater work quality and competitiveness for the labour market. FHCJ educates health care professionals and its contribution has important impact on broader society – quality care provision. Knowledge and competencies are major issues in this context. Another important aim is obtaining knowledge to foster improvements in education and practice. For quality and competitiveness of health care constant development is important. Society is changing and new knowledge for treatment are needed. International context often offers already created solutions and strategies. Project aim is to develop the institution and individuals – experiences shape individual development. FHCJ has practiced 7 student mobility for training and 3 stuff mobility. One stuff mobility for teaching and two stuff mobility for training. Main project results are new professional knowledge, work experiences and experiences of individual personal growth and development. Experiencing different cultural context and language are two imoprtant things. New knowledge and experiences are given to broader public by writing reports and presenting the project and by this the project is changing perception of international activities and cooperation. Due to the project, FHCJ has the possibilty to work internationaly and connect on long term. Quality, international visibility and comparability are created. Being a part of the project means an opportunty for FHCJ development, also for all those individuals who do not decide to go abroad. Knowledge and experiences of those who were part of the project are being transmitted to whole institution. In this way we can see the up-grade of the national context, students experience new learning strategies and strategise of implementing knowledge into practice. The same is with teachers and stuff. Connecting national and international results in new quality. Important dimension of this new quality is having the knowledge to generate changes at individual and system/political level.
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