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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

After years with no outstanding impetus towards Erasmus mobilities (whether for students or staff), the new Director of our school put a lot of effort into communication about the 2014/2016 Erasmus contract. This was a huge challenge. After analyzing the past failures, our school meant to develop quality partnerships, with schools that actually share our values and teaching scopes. We went through a real effort in discovering and understanding of potential partners (location visits, workshops, conferences, staff weeks). This work is now bearing fruit, and our school hopes to see students' and staff moblities become quickly a habbit in our curriculum. The financial question has also been of paramount importance, since our students sometimes stem from very complicated backgrounds. We have decided to make our way on a stepwise approach, in order to streghthen our assets.
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