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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The University of La Reunion is a French institution of higher education and research, in the heart of the Indian Ocean, in one of the outermost regions of Europe. The international strategy of the university of La Reunion comes in five aspects: 1- Fully integrate the university in the European research sector. 2- Encourage the emergence of a network of researchers in the Indian ocean area. 3- Increase inbound and outbound student mobility. 4- Federate the international projects of our faculties and laboratories. 5- Strengthen the educational cooperation. The university of La Réunion is the beneficiary of a mobility project for higher education under the Erasmus and Erasmus + programmes since 1989. In 2014/2015, among its 13,000 students, 135 were able to benefit from a mobility, among which a 100 for studies and 35 for an internship, which represents approximately 1% of our student population. The number of outgoing students has been steadily increasing in recent years. Between 2012/2013 and 2014/2015, the number of study mobilities has increased from 83 to 101 and placements mobilities have increased from 11 to 35. In order to continue this trend, priority was given this year to student mobility and for the first time no teaching or training mobility has been funded. The number of active partnership has increased accordingly and went from 85 in 2012/2013 to 103 in 2014/2015. From its original geo-strategic position, it is the only European university in this region. As such, the University of La Reunion is working to better anchor itself in the European Research field, and to fully participate in international exchange programs like ERASMUS, ISEP and BCI which expand employability prospects of its students. The University strongly encourages its students to participate in the Erasmus project, and if possible over a long period of time. Thus, the average duration of mobility for studies is more than six months and the average for mobility for placements is 3 months. As for destinations, 47% of our students prefer English speaking countries. The second most popular destination is Spain. According to the increased numbers of mobilities and the high level of satisfaction with the overall mobility experience, the university of La Réunion has managed to promote mobility among its students. The most significant impacts on learning outcomes are on the level of understanding of different cultures, cooperation with people from different backgrounds, independence, ability to solve problems, self confidence and self-knowledge. Our project is managed on one side by the International Relations Office (DRI), which is the only one for the whole university; and on the other side by a teacher identified as a relay of international relations in each faculty. The DRI is led by the vice president in charge of international relations and, excluding the House of Languages ​​and the Confucius Institute, has 4 full time administrative staff, 3 of which are working fully or partially on the Erasmus project: the agent in charge of the project, the engineer specialized in international relations and the administrative manager of the DRI. The university of La Réunion is committed to provide a high quality and individual welcome to all incoming students who accept it. It is accomplished thanks to our devoted human resources: an agent fully dedicated to Erasmus, other members of the staff can help during student arrivals and tutors recruited for a total of 450 hours per academic year. Our office opens earlier in August and January than other services to ensure a high quality reception for foreign students. We ask each of our incoming students if they want our help to find accommodation. For those who express the need, we will first offer a personal welcome upon arrival at the airport. The staff and tutors will then support them through their administrative procedures. We have an agreement with the local CROUS to book 62 rooms for our incoming students in the international building that offers some of the best student rooms. The DRI is also in line with private providers: AMI, MGOI, Residence des facs and individual owners. We also assist students with their search for accomodation on the web. As a consequence, our incoming students have generally expressed their satisfaction of reception, accommodation and integration in daily life in our university.

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