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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context and background of the project: This project is the equivalence for the student, the module: On the Job Training Cycle Higher Level Design and Editorial in another country of the European Union. Portugal. Teacher as experience and training in companies in the sector in Portugal. Goals: Improve the quality and attractiveness of VET between students and companies. Promote creativity, competitiveness, employability and entrepreneurship european. Develop in students the skills and competencies required in the European labor market. Bringing education to the company in Europe and know the different professional profiles required by the labor market. Promote language learning and culture of the countries of the European Union and promote integration between different cultures. Increase European awareness among citizens. Increase the number of students who continue their studies with experience abroad. Promote the use of languages. Ensure the validity of these placements in other EU countries. Number and profile of participants: For this project a student Cycle Degree Superior Design and Editorial family of Graphic Arts was selected. Description of the activities carried out: Mobility practices for students: 1- Perform activities for the definition of printed products, proposing possible amendments to improve them. 2. Perform activities for the organization of production Publishing according to the plans. 3. Monitor the layout of text and images in the layout, checking that fit. to design specifications. 4. Participate in recruiting, hiring and custom to be original used in the production process. 5. Participate in the budgeting issues and checking the relevance to the publishing plans and to control costs throughout the process of production. 6. To assess the evidence for evaluating production processes data obtained to inform the company Staff exchanges: Knowing the Portuguese education system Knowing the business of the graphic arts family in the Lisbon area. Give more fluid and increase the number of mobility of future practices Improve skills in the Portuguese language Results and impact obtained and expected long-term benefits: Improving language skills An experience in a European country Get the Europass and the Europass Diploma Supplement Academic recognition of stay.

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