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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ERASMIP is a french consortium of mobility for higher education institutions (HEI) in agricultural field located in the South-west of France. Set up in 2013, the consortium gathers 14 partners with as main target the promotion of mobility of their students and staff. The beneficiaries are: - students, essentially from 2 years higher education courses and some registered in undergraduate programs ( License 3) and Master 1 & 2, - staff of partner institutions. One attended secondary objective is to reinforce the use of international’s mobility within these higher education institution. Activities are centered onto internship mobilities for students and training for staff. The label Erasmus+ was given to 48 mobility organized during the 2014 – 2016 round program, including 12 for non-allocative students. The implementation of mobilities is accompanied by preparatory activities coupled with their valorization and thus of the Erasmus + program. In order to work fluently, each HEI member of Erasmip has choosen a representative who participates in all steering committees where the great orientations of the consortium are decided. The organization is a soft college : ENFA coordinates the program under the control of all the partners. Experience, mutual trust and raise of personal skills promote transparency and responsive functioning Over time, the improvement of the network of the consortium depends on the capacities of all the partners to develop it. As fact, before setting the consortium, every active member had an individual network of more or less 15 partners. Now, every member benefits of some hundred potential European institutions/partners where it can send its students and staff for internship or training. The results are satisfying, in terms of number of mobility that is increasing continuously, and also in terms of quality of internships and satisfaction of beneficiaries. Two important impacts that the project crystalize are the autonomy and the comprehension by the consortium’s members of the ERASMUS + program. In the long run, it’s planned that HEI increase student’s mobilities : the target of H 2020 of 20% of international mobility is far from being achieved within the consortium. Nevertheless, the work of members of the consortium start to give fruits : the raising number of mobilities is one of the key element. In the meanwhile, the mobilization for the program of new teachers, including those who are teaching technical disciplines, is the sign of interest for mobility itself but also that the participation to the ERASMUS+ program is ongoing democratization in HEI.
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