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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Region Midi-Pyrénées is a regional public administration dedicated to the economic and social development of its territory. The law of the 13/08/2004 transferred the implementation of vocational health and social trainings from the state to the regional authorities. In this frame, Region Midi-Pyrénées establishes a five-years plan in order to coordinate the development of these trainings. Its goal is also to encourage mobility periods and to offer opportunities for young people engaged on these sectors. Region Midi-Pyrénées support the studies of 7 000 persons on health and social topics : Health trainings : - Sage-femme - Puéricultrice - Infirmier - Infirmier anesthésiste - Infirmier de Bloc opératoire - Cadre de santé - Masseur-Kinésithérapeute - Pédicure-Podologue - Manipulateur d’Electroradiologie médicale - Psychomotricien. Social trainings : - Educateur spécialisé - Assistant de service social - Conseiller en Economie sociale et familiale - Educateur de jeunes enfants. Region Midi-Pyrénées established a network of 15 training centers on its territory. With the support of Region Midi-Pyrénées, training centers of the consortium connected to local hospitals, organize Erasmus Internship from 2010 : the preparation, kits of mobility documents, the follow-up and the internship mentor, the platform of exchange of experiences. Indeed, Region Midi-Pyrénées mutualizes the way to manage company internships within the Erasmus program and pilots the administrative and financial aspects. Region Midi-Pyrénées insures a high quality level in the organization and the implementation of company internships.

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