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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Borda High School offers a wide range of professional,technological and general trainings in industrial and marketing areas,possibly in sandwich courses. What is at stake in our school project is to permit the students to follow their studies abroad,to allow the students to have a wider job market and to make broad-minded citizens . In addition,Borda High School has a significant company networks in the Aquitaine area that permits the students to have placements in the technological,industrial and marketing sectors thanks to institutional agreements. Therefore two parternships have been implemented with Spain during the previous years : -the first one with Guadalajara university targeted at students who graduated in industrial Higher Technical Degrees. -the second one with Elgoibar IEFPS MEKA targeted at students who graduated in marketing Higher Degree. During the school year 2014-2015 We got up to 5 placements for students and one placement for one teacher. However,a biology teacher who wanted to have further training specializing in water treatment in the UK,hasn’t found a company to do a placement despite intensive research. Our two Spanish parternships permitted 4 students to have a two-month placement in Spain : -Leopold Galbès,a student graduating in Higher Technical Degree specializing in electonics did his placement in an observatory in Yebès.He was the third student to be accepted in the observatory from our school.They have a good knowledge of our training and provide a good know-how to our students.Moreove,r the accomodation is free on the campus. During his placement he was in charge of the maintenance of a machine, designing 3D parts,installing thermic sensors and creating a sounding plate. -Claude Gaillard,also a student graduating in a Higher Technical Degree specializing in electronics,spent two weeks in Alcala de Hénares university,where he was in charge of the maintenance of measurement devices and computers used by the university students. For Claude Gaillard,we also obtained an extra grant that amounted to 1 400 euros for specific needs.Actually,this student, slighly handicapped by a language disorder,could have during his placement an interpreter one hour a day,who permitted him to help him understand the job he was asked to do. This placement was organised thanks to the collaborative work with our spanish parternship in Guadalajara who greeted him and followed his work along the placement.In exchange,we also greeted two Spanish students who completed a three-month placement in France.(looking for companies,accomodation….) The assignments completed by the two students along their placement totally match up to the skills required by the curriculum of this Higher Technical Degree.The students will be assessed at the end of their training (March 2016) as they will have to make a placement report(one part is in English). -Marion Gutierrez and Priscilla Oyane-Nsie,both of them students in Higher Technical Degree specializing in personal assistant have also completed a placement in metal-working factories in the Spanish Basque country (T.ETXEPE et GAURSA CARS).Their main assignments were accountancy tasks,invoices and relationships between clients and suppliers.Our spanish partner helped us find the placements and in exchange,we greeted four young spanish girls thanks to our industry networks in the Aquitaine area for three-month placements in the administration of the thermal centres. -Loïc Capdeville,a student in Higher Technical Degree specializing in industrial maintenance completed a placement in Dublin at SWEENY SHEET METAL,a metal-working industry,specializing in cutting steel sheets.During two months,he was involved in manual handling and production and couldn’t have tasks related to industrial maintenance.The main difficulty was the language barrier and the lack of partners there.Indeed,this placement has been found by our school and this company SSM didn’t respect what was written in the contract concerning the training objectives of the students.However,this placement was worthwhile as our student became self-reliant and improved his English.

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