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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Rzeszow University of Technology aims at strengthening its scientific and didactic position on regional, national and European level through the ongoing process of internationalization, upgrading study programmes, boosting various forms of cooperation with the industry. Participation in the Erasmus+ programme is an important tool to realize the processes. The Rzeszow University of Technology takes part in the Erasmus programme from the very start of its presence in Poland that is from 1998. Throughout the years the number of mobilities has been constantly increased. The aim of the project in the academic year 2014/15 was to carry out 119 mobilities in the timespan from 1st June 2014 until 30th September 2015 under 67 bilateral agreements with the partner universities and 29 agreements with the companies. The final number of the beneficiaries was increased and reached 130 outbound participants in breakdown to: 61 student mobilities for studies, 32 for traineeships, 23 staff for teaching, 14 for training. The university hosted 83 Erasmus participants among them: 70 students for studies, 1 for placement, 11 academic staff for teaching, 1 for the monitoring visit. The types of the activities: - Student mobility for studies (outbound and inbound), - Students/graduates mobility for traineeships (outbound and inbound), - Staff mobility for teaching (outbound and inbound), - Staff mobility for training (outbound), - Monitoring visits, - Preparation and facilitation of outbound and inbound mobilities. The result of the project was organizing 213 outbound and inbound mobilities in accordance with the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. For the beneficiaries participation in the Erasmus+ programme resulted in consolidation of hard skills: language competence, academic knowledge and soft skills: self-confidence, communication skills, group work, ability to deal with difficulties. For the institution it led to upgrading courses offered in English, opening to a wildly understood international exchange including all aspects of learning and training, increasing the number of partners both from the higher education and industry sector.

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