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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The University of Corsica Pascal Paoli wished to renew its Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) in the framework of the new 2014-2020 programme period so as to ensure the continuity of cooperation and people mobility actions launched during the previous 2007-2013 Erasmus programme period. The international cooperation with the Erasmus + programme's european eligible countries, particularly those located in the Mediterranean area, has been a priority political aim of the University of Corsica as regards to its International relations over the past few years. In 2016, our institution counts with 77 Erasmus + partner universities located in 18 European countries. This gives to the Erasmus + programme a 'flagship programme' status of the international cooperation at the University of Corsica. The 2014 Erasmus + funding project our institution was awarded was supposed to fund 54 mobilities on 2 years (the lenght of the project we selected). This funding target has been fully reached over the past 2 years since 54 persons have benefited from the funding of their mobility in the partner university of their choice. Thus, 38 students were beneficiaries of an Erasmus + grant in the framework of their mobility for studies or practice and this was also the case for 16 members of the teaching or administrative staff. The trend of the mobility flows of these persons confirmed the interest of our University toward its "natural" partners located in the eligible countries of the Mediterranean basin. Spain and Italy come 1st among student destinations. Italy also comes 1st for cumulative teaching and training staff mobilities. As to student mobility, United Kingdom comes very close to the Mediterranean pair and keeps on being a very popular destination among students. This confirms the interest of the students towards anglo-saxon culture and language in an international context were the English language is an alliance one. As to teaching and training staff mobilities, we were able to notice in the framework of this project an expansion of the cumulative mobilities towards Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs). It is right to notice the more than positive impacts of the communication campaigns launched by the International office of the University of Corsica (BRI) over the past few years. Indeed, these campaigns aiming at raising teachers' and staff's awareness have allowed us to grant this public the whole funds dedicated to these types of mobilities. That after making intern fund transfers inside the 2014 Erasmus + project to honour this massive demand. In the same way, the Erasmus + grant for practice is becoming more and more popular among students following the BRI's communication campaigns, which also led us to make intern fund transfers inside the 2014 Erasmus + project to honour this demand. As to global data on mobility by gender, it is right to notice that women are more numerous than men to benefit from a mobility in the framework of their studies or practice. Conversely, men are more numerous to benefit from a staff mobility for training. As to staff mobility for teaching, the proportion is almost the same.
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