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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Kristianstad University aims to increase the international mobility of students as well as employees. This is an important part of efforts made to increase its quality and attractiveness. Kristianstad University encourages an increased international mobility and aims to foster an internal environment in which students and staff can work together to promote understanding of other cultures and traditions, human rights and a globally sustainable use of resources. There for, this Project is very important to us, as it provides possibilities for outbound mobility of staff and students and to enrich and strengthen collaboration between our partners within Erasmus +, where of course also the inbound mobility is very important in several aspects, where one is the possibility to also offer internationalisation for those that do not participate in outbound mobility. When applying for the Call 2014, we aimed high as also new rules allowed us to use the funds for a longer period - unfortunately we have not reached all the way but we have at least improved or stayed at the same level as during the academic year 2013/2014 (This of course depends on how you compare numbers in old system with the new system that covers a longer period of time) For student mobility for traineeships we were applying for 20 months and granted 14 months - the result: totally 9 months+ 2 extra days -but an improvement compared to 13/14 (totally 3 months). For student mobility for studies we were originally applying for and also granted for 100 months - result: 65 months + extra 9 days - a minimal difference compared to 13/14 (totally 60 months) or even a decline over time when comparing. When it comes to Staff mobility for teaching, we were originally applying for 72 Days, granted 55 days – the result is 60 Days compared to 29 Days 2013/2014 – a slight improvement but not all the way to numbers aimed for although we actually used a bit more than budget allows using Organisational support. For Staff mobility for training we were originally applying for 50 Days, granted 45 days and have used a bit more than the budget (55 days) and compared to 18 days 2013/2014, this is clearly an improvement from last year. When looking at statistics, the last group seems to be the most satisfied and many of them are participating in a mobility for the first time, encouraged by Kristianstad University and after massive campaign and information meetings to each and every department, and every type of administrative working group it feels like a success. Of course we hope to keep up the good work and the group has in fact been so enthusiastic, that we together for the first time have offered a staff training week (May 16-20, 2016), that included job shadowing, workshops etc. Also for the teachers information meetings etc have been offered but even if interested, it seems like the everyday work load is holding them back. And yet this group is getting extra funding measured in time from the University to be able to participate in mobility activities. Also the students have been informed in various ways, as at International day held each semester, with participating inbound students and former outbound students participating, and on top of that also information in classes per subject as they have various possibilities to do a semester abroad (or practical placement). Of course, our web site is also used to inform students, inbound and outbound. For the staff, an internal communication site is used as well. However, those who have participated (students in particular) are almost without exception saying that it in many ways was an experience of their Life and that the self-confidence and self-esteem that they gained will help them in their career in the future.
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