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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context and history of the project: Presentation of mobility ERASMUS+ 2014 to the members of the Faculty and to all the students of the higher cycles taught at the Center. Search for partners and companies to carry out the training in the countries of the European Union. Signature of agreements and arrangements required. Preparatory visits. Creation of a Commission for the assessment of applications for mobility, establishing their duties and principles of action (impartiality and professionalism). Selection of students taking into account the criteria laid down by the Commission: adequacy of the qualification profile, academic record, level of knowledge of the required language and merits. Publication of lists of admitted and no admitted to the selection process. Evaluation of students admitted and proposal of candidates for mobility, as well as a list of substitute students. Final approval of the selected students and publication of results. Objectives: Improve individual skills of our pupils with a view to facilitate their insertion into the world of work. Contribute to the implementation of the knowledge already acquired and the expansion, acquisition and exchange of knowledge by participating in activities related to his specialty in a different country. Promote new forms of teaching and learning focused on the needs of the students, on competences in the use of new technologies, entrepreneurship, teacher training and exchanges of experience. Facilitate the approach to different cultures, conveying a real and genuine image thus contributing to the destruction of clichés and prejudices. Expand and enrich your language training thanks to the direct contact with speakers of the language of the host country. Number and profile of participants: Offered mobility to all the students and Faculty of the higher cycles that are taught in our Center, two students of the upper cycle of international trade and a student of the upper cycle of physical and sports activities are selected as well as a teacher of Marketing at the upper cycle of trade. Description of activities carried out: The teacher: observation period in a school and a linguistic training program. Students: internships in companies following an individualized training plan in workplace to obtain a positive assessment. The upper cycle of trade activities: participation in operations of purchasing and sales of goods. Assist in administrative management in import/export operations. Contribute to the organization and management of the process of storage and distribution of goods. The upper cycle of physical and sport activities: participation and collaboration in the organization of sport activities managed by the receiving company. Obtained results and impact as well as benefits provided long-term: The project has contributed to the training and education of students informing them of professional and cultural models that can serve as a reference in the development of their personality. It has helped to break cliches and previous ideas about a country and its people, promoting positive attitudes towards cultural and linguistic pluralism. This project will help improve the quality of teaching, guidance and advice about opportunities for training, employment and exchanges of experience. It will also help lay the Foundation for a future implementation of bilingual sections.

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