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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

One objective of the internationalisation at MDH is restablishing strategic partners and MDH is still working on this process. Erasmus+ is one important part of the internationalisation at MDH and makes the cooperation, exchange, with partner universities within Europe possible. One of the objectives of the internationalisation at MDH is to get balance within outgoing and incoming exchange students which is a challenge. MDH is still working on this process. MDH has reduced agreements the last couple of years to find partners with whom MDH estimate will result in more balance. MDH has had 94 outgoing mobilities during this period (call 2014-2016). Of these 72 were student exchange. 2014/15 there were 32 outgoing students and 2015/16 there were 44. These numbers show that the mobility is increasing. The three most popular countries for students are the Netherlands, France and Austria. The objective has been for students to study courses that are relevant within their study program that can be transferred/fully recognized towards their degree.The reasons why these countries are popular is that these partner universities offer courses in English and a range of courses that make the exchange easier, the programs are also similar to the programs at MDH. Students within all disciplines offered by the university have the opportunity of student exchange and some programs include a semester during which students are encouraged to study abroad. The university offers different information meetings as well as personal sessions for students to discuss the different options available according to their study programs. The reduction of agreements could be one of the reasons to a reduced number of total exchange of students. Looking ahead, MDH will be working on marketing and continuing to encourage exchange. Another obective of the internationalisation at MDH is international cooperation within the subject areas. Employees should have the opportunity to some form of intercultural contact or activity where one important part is the exchange of teachers and technique/administrative staff. To ensure that as many teachers and technique/administrative staff as possible participate in the Erasmus+ mobility, priority is given to those who go abroad with Erasmus+ for the first time. During the period 1st of June 2014 to 31th of May 2016, there have been 17 staff mobility for teaching and 5 staff mobility for training. The 17 teachers have traveled a total of 163 days, which gives an average of 9,59 days. The 5 staff for training have traveled a total of 22 days, which gives an average of 4,4 days. The most frequent subject field is computer science, business administration and education. The most common education level for teachers is master level and doctoral level. MDH has succeded to get more staff, especially teachers, interested in staff exchange the last couple of years. Our goal is to increase the exchange further. Looking ahead, MDH will be working on marketing and continuing to encourage staff exchange. Some teachers have, through their exchange, made students at the partner university apply to MDH for exchange studies. Both teachers and technique/administrative staff have also had many new colleagues from all over Europe who have come to MDH for guest lectures. MDH (4 schools and central administration) has used the Organisational Mobilty for: • Visit partner institutions concerning the monitoring and evaluation of mobility activities • Preparatory visits to potential partner institutions • Update of the ECTS course catalog • Work with Learning Agreements and recognition • Preparation, monitoring and evaluation of student and teacher mobility • Selection and preparation- or introdoctory activitities and other support • Linguistic preparation of students and teachers participating in the exchange • Production and distribution of information regarding the exchange • Activities related to the Diploma Supplement (DS) and Transcript of Records • Participation in conferences dealing with Erasmus mobility • 50% of the Organisational Mobility-budget was used to teacher exchange that has been increasing. MDH received 161 725 euro for the Erasmus+ call 2014-2016 and spent 96% of the budget. MDH has had more student mobility for studies than the budget for this area. The discrepancy is taken from the budget of student mobiity for traineeships where MDH did not have any participants. The staff moblity for teaching has been greater than expected and MDH used 206% of the budget assigned for that area. The discrepancy is taken from Organisational support. There is some funds left in the budget for staff moblity for training.

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