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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Col•legi Badalonès (CB) ( is an institution teaching infant school, primary, secondary, baccalaureatte and vocational training, instructing its students in the field of business and administration. It provides both initial vocational training and continuous training to employed and unemployed people. We want to encourage international mobility among vocational students to complete their training in other European Union Schools, by training internship periods in companies. During the mobility 2 students in First year of Final Vocational Training period and a teacher of vocational Training in Administration and finance have participated. The Project consisted in students doing their on the job learning internships in foreign countries. Our school is in contact with schools and companies in Helsinki (Helmi Liketalousopisto and Mercuria Business School), where students have spent two months doing internships periods in companies that the Finnish schools have offered. Another accomplished aim of the project is that the teacher could also do a training mobility in these partner schools for a week, learning and sharing methodologies and strengthening our bonds with improvements for both institutions. The work programme during the mobility was as follows: 1. Agreements were reached and letters of intent are signed with the host organizations or polytechnics. The number of hosting organisations has increased compared with other years. 2. Students and teachers were informed of the terms and requirements for the placement. 3. A committee selected the students to taking part in the project following the criteria that had been specified and published previously. 4. These students got language and culture lessons on the target language and the country of destination as well as taking part on the OLS (Online Linguistic Support) during this period , tutorized by the Language Department of this school, before, during and after the mobility. 5. We sent the host organizations information about the students profile; the modules they had studied and the task they were expected to carry out in the company together with the students European CV and a letter of intent one to two months previous to the actual work placement start. 6.The coordination in the hosting student institution and host signed a contract taking responsibility of the project. 7. A follow up was done by the tutor and by the students themselves every 15 days. 8. The project was assessed continuously by all the parts involved in the project before, during and at the end of the project. We also assessed the impact of the project on the employability of the students and other parametres that are reflected in the survey done after the mobility by our school as well as on the Mobility tool. 10. Los alumnos se alojaron en un piso de alquiler que les fue facilitado por nuestra asociación aconsejada desde Helsinki por los centros estudiantiles que colaboran con nuestro centro. La participación en el programa Erasmus+ ha resultado clave para: 9. The placement is a compulsory module in the student’s curricula (the 350 hours practical training in company’s module) and it is recognized accordingly. The students got also certified by the host company and both the coordinator and the host company signed the Europass certificate. 10. Students stayed in Halls of Residence that our organization provided following the advice of the Finnish schools cooperating with us. Participation in the Erasmus programme has been key element for: - Improving the quality and appeal of vocational training studies within the school and companies. - Promoting creativity, competence, employability and entrepreneurship. - Developing the skills and habilities required in the European Frame of work. - Putting education in a closer contact to companies within the European market and getting to know different professional profiles required in it. This project and the experiences shared with European institutions have leaded us to the development of an education which integrates skills with on the job learning habilities offering students the opportunity to get qualified within the FP DUAL a system that contemplates integrated study-work qualifications.

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