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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Universidad Antonio de Nebrija is a private University that offers official degrees in the areas of its six Faculties: Arts and Letters, Communication Sciences, Social Sciences, Polytechnic School and Architecture, Health Sciences and Business School. Nebrija has in addition three Institutes and three affiliated institutions. The University bases its educative model on both excellence in teaching and research as knowledge creation. Our philosophy is learning by doing through: employability and orientation towards the professional world via internships in companies, academic excellence through personalized instruction in reduced class sizes and the internalization educational innovation. Within this framework is the Department of International Programmes (?DPI,? in Spanish), which is charged with coordinating, centralizing and managing the activities of international cooperation inside the University. The overall goals of the Department consist of coordinating plans and procedures to carry out the Erasmus+ Programme inside the institution, to continue growing on an international level via new agreements for both students and staff, and, at the same time, continued improvement of day-to-day procedures. The University does not participate in any consortium in the Erasmus+ Programme. Among its functions, the Department of International Programmes coordinates the reception, service and monitoring of international students who come to study in Nebrija, as well as Nebrija students who go abroad. The exchange of students plays an essential role in the internationalization of the University and its partner universities. The DPI has promoted and managed the mobility of students through the Erasmus+ Programme and Bilateral Agreements for exchange and cooperation established with universities in the United States, Canada, Europe, South America, Asia and Australia. Concerning the Erasmus+ Programme, the total number of students that have been on an Erasmus+ exchange mobility for studies (SMS) during the academic year 2014/2015 was 47. In accordance with the international approach of the University, Nebrija has promoted international internships to students through the signing of agreements with international companies and institutions in the matter of training internships. The number of students who have been on an Erasmus+ internship mobility (SMT) in this academic year 2014/2015 was 5, coordinated by the Department of Professional Careers. Through the Erasmus+ Programme, the University has also promoted international mobility among its teaching staff (PDI) and administrative services staff (PAS) with the Erasmus+ staff teaching mobility and the Erasmus+ staff training mobility. On one hand, the goal of the Erasmus+ staff teaching mobilities is to foster the contact with European universities in order to develop research synergies and academic and institutional collaboration. On the other hand, Erasmus+ staff training mobilities serve to provide linguistic training in the different languages of the destination countries and the development of skills through the observation of other work environments, international weeks and set time spent in counterpart departments of other European universities. With this in mind, the DPI managed a total of 18 mobilities during the academic year 2014/2015 (6 Erasmus+ staff teaching mobilities ?STA- and 12 Erasmus+ staff training mobilities ?STT-) that allowed professors from Nebrija to teach in universities in countries such as Italy, the United Kingdom, France and Turkey, as well as to take part in training activities through staff training mobility in Germany, Iceland, Italy, France, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark. Nebrija also hosts Erasmus+ staff teaching and training mobilities from other universities. The most significant impact and benefit is the improvement of internationalization processes that affect the institution: increasing mobilities that promote research and interinstitutional cooperation networks, student mobilities that improve their training and employability rate, and greater training in intercultural competence for the staff. The University strategy includes the goal of being incorporated in international rankings. Therefore, this project will contribute to the achievement of this purpose. In conclusion, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija is an institution where international students from very different countries study side by side with Spanish students, making the University a little cross-section of the world. The number of agreements with international universities has been growing at both the undergraduate and graduate level, making Nebrija one of the most international universities of Spain. In a world without barriers to knowledge and mobility, the University is promoting the cultural integration among international and Spanish students. The student of the 21st Century is an international student.

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