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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Lycée Victor Louis is a versatile secondary and further education school. Professional, technological and advanced training related to careers in administrative, accounting and business management contribute significantly to the construction of identity and reputation of the school. The European opening is an axis of the school project resulting in - a strong and long-standing involvement in European programmes or projects such as Comenius, Leonardo, Erasmus, Europass, - the existence of several European sections (English, Spanish, Italian) - the momentum around the achievement of placements in Europe for “BTS Assistant de Manager” students. The “BTS Assistant de Manager” frame of reference requires work placements to be taken in any type of organization. One of the placements must involve the use of a foreign language. It is also stated that "Given, the evolution of the international character of the assistant’s job, it is desirable to encourage students to do their traineeship abroad." The project’s aim is to establish a network of business partners to host the school students on placements, through participation in the Erasmus + programme. Practically there are two main obstacles for the students who wish to realize their internship abroad: firstly, the financial dimension and secondly, the lack of a network to activate to find a host organization. Under the Erasmus Programme , European mobility has been effective for 4 students who have realized their 2-month internship in England and Austria (2 second-year students in November- December 2014 - Session 2015) and in Spain ( 2 first-year students in May- June 2015 - session 2016). The benefit of this mobility for students is short term and medium term. In the short term, this mobility allows them to acquire language fluency and to be confronted by intercultural situations-- something they never, or hardly ever, come across in a French company even if it deals in an international context. Colleagues, especially language teachers, see these students improving their autonomy and gaining confidence. On the other hand, in the short term it allows them to better meet the requirements of BTS AM. In the medium term, their job search is made easier because the practice of a foreign language is increasingly required by employers. In addition, in 2016, two teachers were able to meet between 15 and 20 professionals in various types of public or private organization in the Madrid area and surroundings to maintain an old network and consider the possible modalities of internship for the future promotions of students.
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