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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The goal of the project was implementing mobility between programme countries for students under SMS and for staff under STA and STT. The mobilities were implemented under agreements with 8 institutions (out of a total of 24 agreements). Our Academy did not implement any mobilities in the category SMP, nor under cooperation with partner countries. A total of 18 students of levels 1 and 2, including 2 students from part-time programs, were the participants of student mobility. The students usually went for a period of one semester, however, 2 students extended their stay for the following semester. A total of seven staff members participated in mobilities - six under STA and one under STT. One of the STA mobilities was extra as compared to the plan. Out of the 18 students, two students from disadvantaged families and one student with special needs were financed under the POWER project. All the students and staff members fulfilled their obligations and met the financial deadlines. After two Annexes, almost all the alloted funds were used. The annexes were the result of moving three mobilities to the POWER funded category. The results include inceasing content and language competencies of mobility participants, increasing their involvement in international cooperation, including Erasmus+ Programme, publications in co-authorship with faculty members of partner institutions, presentations at national and international conferences. From the point of view of our institution, major result is inreased internationalization of education, related to both inbound and outbound mobilities under Erasmus+.

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