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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

VetAgro Sup is a public French institution of higher education and research which holds an Engineering school in agronomy and a veterinary School on its two sites, Clermont-Ferrand respectively Lyon. After their merging in 2010, both Schools continue and develop their long tradition of European and international exchanges. The objectives of the project of mobility for the higher education 2014 - 2016 were both general : a. Support and make attractive the European mobility of the students and the teachers, b. Value the experiences of mobility, and also particular in connection with in the implementation of the program Erasmus +: c. appropriate the new administrative frame executive Erasmus +, d. develop the quality approach of all the aspects of the mobility - before, during and after mobility. The number of 28 beneficiaries for the outgoing mobility divides up as follows: 20 student study mobilities for the engineer program, 5 student study mobilities for the veterinary program, 3 teaching mobilities for training - 2 veterinarian and 1 agronomic. The outgoing student mobilities took place towards 7 European countries, the duration average for the student mobility being of 5,2 months. They allowed the participants to develop their skills of adaptation and success in different academic, linguistic and cultural behaviour, to enrich their experience, to open to the differences and to validate academic experiences. The teaching mobilities allowed exchanges with the concerned students and the teaching colleagues of the partner establishments for an internationalized vision of the taught topics The financial support of the program, although it does not cover all of the spending bound to the mobility, was determining for the realization of these mobilities. The real profits of the realized mobility projects can be described in various scales: - On individual plan: acquisition of knowledge and academic, intercultural and mobilizable skills right now and in the professional future of the students; extension of the personal networks in the topics concerned by the mobility. - On institutional plan: consolidation of the presence of the institution in academic and scientific European networks; adaptation of the practices and the programs in order to include the European and international mobility as long-lasting activity of the institution - On national and European plan: participation of the institution, by its activities, to a federative European program of exchanges and construction.
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