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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

- Context and background of the project. Mobilities of people, students and staff, have been made based on learning (KA1), the type of Higher Education program action has been mobility between countries. 2 student placement program mobilities were granted between countries and 2 mobilities for staff training among program countries. -Goals: Improve the quality and increase mobility throughout Europe of people involved in initial and continuing vocational training. Improve the quality and enhance cooperation between institutions and organizations providing learning opportunities, enterprises, social partners and other relevant bodies throughout Europe. Facilitate the development of innovative practices in the fields of non-tertiary education and vocational training and transfer. Improve transparency and recognition of qualifications and competences, including those acquired through non-formal and informal learning. Encourage the learning of modern foreign languages. Support the development of content, services, pedagogy and practice for lifelong learning and innovative based on ICT (Information and Communication) - Number and profile of participants. Students: 2 mobilities of Higher Level students, one Higher Level of Administration and Finance and other Higher Grade of Systems and Computer Telecommunication. Teachers: 2 mobilities of teachers, one from the Higher Level Administration and Finance and the other of FOL (Training and Employment Guidance) - Description of the activities carried out. First, information activities and motivation of students and staff, explaining Erasmus objectives and policy are made. Subsequently, a selection of candidates, information meetings with students and families, where the project as regards the reception center, accommodation and travel are explained. Also, supervise the signing of the contract by the student, perform the "Training Agreement" adapted to each student with their company, make travel preparations helping the student to select and purchase the best means of transport, report efforts to obtain European and coverage health insurance health card which they are recipients of during the implementation of the working practice. To improve their language proficiency they are informed and provided access to the OLS. During the stay the student is tracked personally by email, WhatsApp and/ or Skype. A blog is also maintained:, in order to share experiences, spread too through IES Andalan Facebook and Twiter. - Results and impact obtained as well as long-term benefits expected. The results have been very satisfactory both for students and teachers. Students have considerably improved their language skills and their social and cultural knowledge, learning to be independent in a country of the European Union. And teachers have also improved their foreign language skills, organizational skills, and leadership, new contacts have been made, expanding their professional network and job satisfaction.

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