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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vilnius Business College participates in Erasmus Charter since 2003. International student and staff mobilities organized through Erasmus programme enable transfer of the best practices, allow to increase knowledge ? based exchange, and assist in growing creative initiatives, transparency and respect towards achievements and cultural identity of others. While participating in Erasmus+ programme Vilnius Business College is further seeking a wider international recognition by increasing the number of partnerships, the number of student/teachers/staff mobility, and the number of study programmes taught in foreign language. In 2014 Vilnius Business College has been awarded with an Erasmus Charter for 2014-2020. During the academic year 2014-2015 the College further expanded Erasmus cooperation network among programme countries and established several contacts with partner countries outside the EU. By the end of 2014 VBC had reviewed and renewed 20 Erasmus cooperation agreements with higher education institutions from 10 European countries. The College also established some new networks with HEI from Germany, Estonia, and Hungary. Within the academic year 2014-2015 the VBC community members had equal opportunities to participate in Erasmus+ mobility. There were total number of 18 outgoing mobilities: 5 mobilities for studies, 8 mobilities for traineeships, 4 mobilities for teaching (2 of them combined teaching and training) and 1 staff training mobility. To summarize Erasmus incoming mobilities, there was 1 teaching and 5 training mobilities within the academic year. The students who participated in Erasmus+ studies or traineeships highly increased their motivation for studies, improved their English communication skills, and brought back a good learning experience and new ideas for project-based learning, simulation games and projects. Future partnerships and running the simulations together with foreign partners may bring long-term benefits for the College academic community. Actively participating in Erasmus+ mobility programme, the College continued to promote collaborative initiatives among VBC community members in order to ensure intellectual and cross-cultural exchange process, enable better dissemination of teaching and learning practices, and support implementation of the College strategic aims and goals.

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