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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Learning Mobility for Individuals 2014 was implemented on the base of inter-institutional agreements with partner institutions for student study and staff mobility and Learning agreements for traineeship concerning student mobility for traineeships. In total TARPTAUTINE TEISES IR VERSLO AUKSTOJI MOKYKLA had 67 outgoing and 49 incoming participants. This year participating in traineeship activities was more popular between outgoing participants. 46 participants had internship aborad (10 of them recent graduates) and only 9 participants went abroad for studies. The most popular countries of destination between students were Spain and United Kingdom. Many outgoing students chose Spain for their internship due to the profile of their study programme - Tourism and Hotel Business. As this country has very well developed tourism and hotels area, this choise was natural. United Kingdom as always is chosen because of the language as English in most cases is the first foreign language of the participants. Concerning staff mobility, activities for training were more popular than teaching activies. 11 participants had training visits, and only 1 participant had teaching activities. All participants succeeded to finish their acitivities, although few students failed to pass few exams. Concerning incoming mobility, the main part of it was mobility for studies. 44 students came to study at TARPTAUTINE TEISES IR VERSLO AUKSTOJI MOKYKLA (11 of them stayed for the whole year). The most popular countries of sending institutions were Turkey and Spain. Concerning staff mobility, TARPTAUTINE TEISES IR VERSLO AUKSTOJI MOKYKLA hosted 2 participants for teaching activities and 3 participants for training activities. All participants succeeded to finish their acitivities. Unfortunately quite a big percentage of students failed to pass one or more exams. It is applied mostly for the students from Turkey. The reasons of such situation could be mentioned two: English language level of the participants and different understanding/experience about study process (requirements and obligations).

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