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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Oct 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vilnius College of Design has implemented the project under ERASMUS+ programme, Key Action ? Learning Mobility of Individuals, Action Type: higher education student and staff mobility. The project is comprised of 2 integral elements: outgoing mobility activities of project participants and mobility of the incoming participants. The project involved 90 mobility activities in total, out of which ? 49 outgoing mobility activities and and 41 incoming mobility activities. Outgoing mobility activities are structured as follows: 31 student mobility (out of which ? 11 mobility activities for traineeships and 20 mobilities for studies) and 18 staff mobility activities (9 staff mobilities for teaching and 9 staff mobilities for training). In terms of incoming mobility activities, the numbers are as follows: 26 incoming student mobilities for studies and 15 incoming staff mobilities (out which ? 8 teaching mobilities and 7 staff training mobilities). Country-wise the outgoing students implemented their mobility activities in 11 different countries, including Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Slovenia. Mobility activities of outgoing staff were executed in 6 different countries, including Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Estonia, Italy and Slovenia. The strategic partners of Vilnius College of Design and the highest priority in terms of mobility is Portugal (9 student mobilities and 6 staff mobilities), comprising 31 percent of the overall outgoing mobilities. Portugal, namely ESAD Matosinhos School of Art and Design is a strategic partner of Vilnius College of Design in terms of mobility projects, since Vilnius College of Design is running a joint degree programme in Interior Design with this institution and is initiating and planning other joint developments and mutual cooperation activities, due to strategic and close cooperation with this institution, Portugal is a priority country for Vilnius College of Design and the objectives of the mobility to Portugal to strengthen and expand cooperation in a wider context. The objectives of student mobilities to other partner higher education institutions is supplement the learning outcomes and gain additional knowledge and practical competences, which are not included into the study programme of Vilniuns College of Design on a such broad and explicit level. On study programme level in terms of outgoing students, it should be noticed that the highest number of the mobilities pertain to Graphic Communications Design Dept. ? 14 mobilities, Fashion Design Dept. ? 7 mobilities, Design for Creative Industries ? 5, Interior Design Dept. ? 4, Applied Photography ? 1 mobility. The mobility of Graphic Communications Design students makes 45 percent of the overall student mobility. Vilnius College of Design also has accomplished its objective to have the outgoing students on the programme of Design for Creative Industries, which was launched in 2012. In terms of incoming student mobility it should be noted that Graphic Communications Design programme takes the lead upon number of incoming students ? 8, Interior Design ? 7, Fashion Design ? 3, Design for Creative Industries ? 3. Country wise the leading countries are Spain and Portugal. Long-term benefits relate to strengthening partnership and cooperation with international partners, sharing the best academic experience in terms of both staff and student mobility.
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