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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

From 2007 with the Education Ministerial Decree D.M. 4 luglio 2007 (Minister Mussi) and with Education Ministerial Decree D.M. 21 September 2011, n. 374, (Minister Gelmini) the LINK CAMPUS UNIVERSITY is an independent and legally approved university in Italy. A “Bridge” towards the changing society, Link Campus was founded as a frontier-free University with the mission of overcoming the challenges posed by changes that are unique in history. Link Campus University has been the Italian branch of the international-reputed University of Malta. Founded in 1998, Link Campus University has been the first foreign higher education institute to receive approval from the Italian Department of Education to operate in Italy (Decree, 27th November 1999, art. 2, Regulation 4, 14th January 1999). Our mission is to train professionals capable of facing the new challenges of a world in continuous evolution, with a special focus on international experience, mobility student included.Our University receives for the first time the Erasmus Charter Number in 2013.From the beginning the Erasmus project involved all the University components, students, administrative and teaching staff. Objectives: to enlarge the University’ Erasmus activities and their geographical distribution, to strengthen theEuropean dimension, to facilitate intercultural communication. Priorities: to widen the university’s participation in projects focused on developing double diploma, to encourage young teaching staff, to become more active internationally, to encourage development of joint European courses and master programms , to encourage cooperation between the university and industrial companies , in order to ensure practical placements for the students , to increase the number of the students involved in study periods abroad or practical placements abroad, to increase the number of incoming students , to ensure flexibility and adaptability in the curricula, according to the market developments , to increase the number of continuing education courses offered at the request of the industry. On the basis of our international experience and of the Erasmus guidelines, we identified specific criteria to select students and staff for the Erasmus programme. In the original project we planned to involve at least 6 students in the mobility for study. All the people involved in the project have been selected for their specific competence and skills, academic interests and enthusiasm. Main activity description: seminars and discussion have been held with the partecipation of our teachers and students, foreign staff and incoming students. The result have been completely positive, taking into consideration that Link Campus University took part to the Erasmus mobility programme for the first time. Certainly, we have encountered some difficulties of start-up process. The long-term benefits: this academic year we are realizing better results compared to the academic year 2014/2015. In the academic year 2015/2016 Link Campus University has already registered a remarkable increase in students and staff participation.

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