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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The University of Eastern Piedmont “A. Avogadro”, in line with the world of research and training, has developed from the start of its institution (1998) the communication and exchange of experiences with other universities and organizations of training and foreign research. The international activities of the University are achieved on many levels: the participation of researchers for development and research projects in partnership with foreign organizations (7° Framework Program, Erasmus, Public Health, others), the signing of cooperative agreements with Institutes both European and Non-European, the institution of joint educational careers. In particular, the University encourages interuniversity co-operation to develop jointly operated, tutored doctorate courses and, at the moment, there are several agreements for joint programs with European universities involving all cycles of studies (Bachelor and Master Degrees, PhD courses). The number of students participating in the Erasmus program has constantly grown since the moment in which, with the institution of the new university, it was introduced: in the 1999-2000 academic year there were 30 outgoing students, today they are around 100 and the number of students hosted at our university from other universities (10 in the 1999-2000 academic year), today it is about 50. Moreover, a substantial number of outgoing and incoming students have been involved in the novel Free Mover program on the last year. The agreements with foreign universities, which involve all the Departments and the Schools, have had a strong impulse and now today our partners are more than 150. In the area of development plans for internationalisation, the University of Eastern Piedmont retains, among its primary objectives, the support of the Departments that provide for in their curriculum, reciprocally, semesters of study periods at partner universities; such programs can be counted as integrative formulas for development, understanding and in partnership with the other universities of Piedmont. Students are assisted by teaching staff for the completion of the Learning Agreement and cannot leave without a Learning Agreement that has been officially approved. Transcripts of Records are provided with all information for a rapid evaluation of the exams. Student curricula are completely available on-line. Every year a full list with all the possibilities to study abroad is published on-line, with a clear description of the selection criteria. A transparent selection procedure guarantees equal opportunities. A tutor-system has been set up in the University for the counselling of outgoing as well as incoming students. The tutors make every possible effort to assist students in overcoming academic, social, and cultural barriers so they can succeed in academic areas. Issues regarding the administrative procedures of incoming and outgoing students are dealt with at our Central Erasmus and Foreign Students Office. Orientation days for incoming students are organised by the Central Erasmus and Foreign Students Office, Italian courses are available for everyone in our 3 cities and there is a special Office that takes care of the accommodation possibilities for incoming students (Students Services Office). Preparatory and refresher language courses for outgoing students are available through several language centres including an e-learning language programme (Rosetta Stone Advantage).The University also provides administrative support for teaching staff mobility by both the Central Administration and the personnel in the Departments. Innovative teaching using e-learning and simulation techniques has been strongly implemented together with offer of internships in the national and international professional world.
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