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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Guglielmo Marconi University started taking part to the Erasmus Project in the academic year 2012 - 2013. At the beginning of the project, participants numbers were quite law, being a telematic University and having mostly of students workers. This trend has changed in the last years, because of the economic crisis ehich has prevented students from the possibility to move to universities in other bigger cities providing students with more opportunities. Marconi University students mostly come from High Schools. This trend has produced its impact also on the Erasmus mobilities, that increased more an more, including from the academic year 2014 - 2015, also the Erasmus mobilities for traineeship, not foreseen in the previous year. Also the staff mobility for training have been successfully carried out, showing a growing interest, on universities academic staff's behalf, in making this educational and training experience. Marconi University has signed different bilateral agreements with: Higher Institutions all over Europe, in order its students to choose among a large range of faculties and courses and to go following their academic path; enterprises, Chambers of Commerce and different institutions open and available to host students as trainees. In the academic year 2014 - 2015, the project has been carried out only for the second (spring) semester, registering 17 mobilities: 9 student mobilities for study, 6 for traineeship and 2 staff mobilities for training. A starting drop out was mainly due to personal and economic reasons. As for student mobility for study: students have mostly spent their mobility in Spain; 4 students - 3 of them enrolled in a five years master's Degree and 1 enrolled in the Bachelor's degree - studied in the University of Oviedo, spending there five months. 2 students enrolled in Bachelor's Degree of Modern EC Languages studied at Oviedo and attended an insensive Spanish language course in a language School near the University. Other 2 students attended courses in the faculty of Education Science at the University of oviedo and 1 student spent his mobility for study at UDIMA (Universidad a distancia de Madrid). The first year of planning mobilities for traineeship has been hard and saw the office very engaged, producing 6 mobilities: 3 students enrolled in theBachelor's degree in Economics, 2 students, both II cycle: one enrolled in the faculty of Modern Languages and the other student enrolled in Education and Training Science; 1 student enrolled in the Bachelor's Degree of Political Sciences. The two staff mobilities for training have been spent at the TEI in Athens, by carrying out a meeting addressed to training, to good practises and to partnerships projects, to create new joint degrees, new mobilities and to formulate new answer to EU common projects calls. All students and staff received the Participant report Form ; we received all feedbacks but two of them. Students came back to Italy so satisfied of their mobility, feeling enriched their personal profiles, from a didactic and human point of view. Without excluding some difficulties they had to face at the beginning of their study path abroad, the general result of the project has been successful, because of the improvement of students in foreign language skills, because of the recognition of their exams abroad and of their career in the documents showing their own profiles (CV).
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