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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

On the basis of the experience we made with the previous Erasmus Programs in which our University was included since the start, we decided to participate in the new Erasmus+ Programme, taking advantage of the opportunities it offers. Our activity has been especially focused on Key Action 1, although we also had some experiences in Key Action 2. In our University the Erasmus+ programme has involved all the 13 departments totaling, in 2014/2015, about 300 bilateral agreements, covering 22 program countries. As for student mobility, the agreements provide for a mobility of about 650 students both incoming and outgoing. Teacher Mobility instead, depends on funding allocated annually by the National Agency and has provided mobility for about 30 teachers, divided among the different departments, depending on the number of agreements that each department has. Unfortunately, there are still no active agreements with partner countries. °Our initial objective of establishing agreements with as many porgramme countries as possible has been mostly accomplished. we wish to further increase the number of countries involved in the future years. The objective concerning the increase in student mobility has had an initial set-back due to the launching of the new Erasmus+ programme, the national economic crisis and the growing difficulties to establish new agreements. However in the current 201/2016 year we can report a reassuring recovery of the number of outgoing students, with an increase of 50% with respect to the previous year. This has been the result of several actions undertaken, such as: the anticipation of the call for students mobility in compliance with the academic calendar; provvisions of greater financial support to the winners; better treatment of linguistic preparation for students; more accurate student information, through more sessions on the Erasmus Programme. Another particularly successful initiative was the introduction of a computer-based selection, which made the process much more efficient and transparent. I risultati che ci attendiamo sono duplici: da un lato l’ottimizzazione degli accordi già in essere, dall’altro un aumento complessivo del numero di accordi. Per quanto riguarda gli studenti in entrata, le azioni intraprese vanno nella direzione di: migliorare la visibilità della nostra offerta formativa; offrire un certo numero di corsi in lingua inglese; offrire corsi di lingua italiana con più ore. The results that we expect are twofold: on the one hand, the optimization of the agreements already in place, on the other, an overall increase in the number of agreements. As for incoming students, the actions are directed towards: improving the visibility of our training; offering a number of courses taught in English; offering longer Italian language courses (at the moment we are provinding 40 hours free courses). As for Theacher Mobility , a number of measures have been provided to make the most of the funds from last year, increasing the mobility of individual teachers.
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