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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility project has involved all of the major stakeholders: students, teachers, administrative and technical personal. The University of Sannio, small university of Campania, operates in an environment unwilling to mobility of the categories covered. The strong awareness created by the Erasmus program delegate and the employees of the international office, has increased the participation to the in Erasmus + program. Moreover, the additional financial resources provided by the university, facilitate the participation to the program. Indeed, the economic support for the exchanges of students, teachers and administrative staff, it is a strong incentive for participation in the program. The goal to be achieved is the annual increase of 10% of units participating in various way mobility. Moblity for study: It was increased the agreements with European universities, especially with those who have courses in English. Mainly in the countries of the Baltic repubblic as Finland, Poland and Romania. The agreement for the dual degree programs in Biology with the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and Financial Sciences with the Gdansk School of Banking (Poland) are highly sought after by students. In fact, for the current academic year, it increased from 3 to 7 the number of eligible units at the Gdansk School of Banking, which are currently in mobility 7 students enrolled to the degree course in Economics and Management. They are being finalized other agreements for the participation to the dual degree programs, within the program Erasmus +. The Participation to the program has also been stimulated by some gratification for who planned to participate, for example a point on the final grade graduation. Mobility for training activities: The number of students that participate to the training activities is growing, thanks to the strong employment crisis that affects the territories in which there is located the University of Sannio. For the first year, as allowed by the program, the mobility affected both students and graduates. The student participation was very high, especially for students of engineering, law and economics The incentives introduced as 2 points on the final grade graduation, the recognition of training in the curriculum, the opportunity to do the final thesis on the experience abroad, it strongly urged the participation in the program The requests for the training, concerned mainly the society in the UK, with the dual aim of training skills in the workplace and at the same time, improve the English knowledge . Thanks to direct contact with participants to the program, it was found an high degree of satisfaction for the experience undertaken. Teaching Staff Mobility The teachers' interest to teach at partner universities is increase during the years and, for the first time, we must utilize rankings with scores to select teachers who could receive funding for mobility. The incentives of the department's delegate, has stimulated a strong curiosity for the teachers who had never participated to the Teaching Staff Mobility Program, that reporting, when they come back, an high degree of satisfaction with the experience already carried out. Administrative Staff Moblity The mobility of administrative staff (mostly industry insiders international relations) during the visit, compared us procedures with those of the host university and they have identified some good aspects that we can implement at the University of Sannio for increase the efficiency In particular, the participants have indicated that they need to implement the procedures for registering incoming students of Erasmus + programme, which currently are managed manually.
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