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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Reported project covered the academic exchange under Erasmus+ K103 action at the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia Bulgaria ( BG SOFIA20) for the period from 1 July 2014 to 30 September 2015. The project had been granted with the contract No 2014-1-BG01-KA103-000032 . The project aimed to organising and supporting the student and academic staff mobility to and from programme countries. Mobility of students for study and training as well as staff mobility for teaching and training were successfully performed. The most serious challenge met by the project coordinator and administration was the effective distribution of the project funds so that as many as possible students and staff could receive appropriate mobility grants. We had to work carefully with the student grants because of the big difference between monthly scholarships for study and training in favour of training. Cost effective distribution of the project budget imposed the realisation of maximum number of mobilities with less expenditures. On the other side we had to apply all our efforts to use the whole amount of the budget available. As a result we could reach a higher number of mobilities than planned with about 13% lower budget. We used the possibility to have student mobility for study and training within the same financial period. It was very useful specially for Master degree students who had spent their mobility period abroad for preparing Master degree thesis. UCTM curricula for Master degree study have these two positions with separate ECTS credits. It means that Master degree students from UCTM who had Erasmus+ mobility abroad obtained all necessary credits for completing their last semester of study at home University. The results achieved had a considerable impact on the quality of education of UCTM students in two ways: 1. All mobile students had access to much advanced laboratories and industrial infrastructures compared to the same infrastructures in Bulgaria. That made possible acquiring new and better competencies important for new engineers and researchers. 2. All mobile staff members had possibilities to test their teaching abilities at different conditions as well as to adopt better knowledge about different educational systems and the education quality assurance.
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