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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the project is to improve the quality and to increase the mobility number of students, academic and non-academic staff. On the other side it aims to raise the transparency and compatibility between the system of higher education in Bulgaria and that of Europe. Another objective is the support of the development of innovative, based on information and communication technologies, contents of education, services and educational approaches. Three types of participants take part in the project: • students and doctoral students - for studies within the frames of minimum 3 and maximum 12 months in European partner universities on the conditions of full academic recognition of the studying period in the accepting European institution as well as accepting foreign students from partner universities for studying. • University academic staff to deliver short lecture courses at partner universities and visits of foreign lecturers to the University. • Academic and non-academic staff with the objective of training for enhancement of qualification and practical skills by various activities: seminars, workshops, courses and conferences, practical exercises, short business trips, study visits and others. Actions have been taken towards • Increasing the number of bilateral agreements and contacts with other partners to enhance the students’ interest in the program; • Increasing the interest in the program of incoming Erasmus teachers for teaching and training; • Increasing the interest in language raining of students and teachers; • Recognition of exams in subjects in which there is a correspondence with the Bulgarian curriculum. The impact on the participants is in the following: • The interest of students and teachers in studying English language was increased. • The motivation of students for getting more knowledge and higher grades was increased • The teachers taking part in the mobility on the program “Erasmus+” had the opportunity to work on unifying the curriculums of similar specialties in the different universities. • Academic and non-academic staff members, taking part in the program, gain greater self-confidence, get to know different cultures, make new friends and acquaintances which lead to intercultural rapprochement. • In non-academic staff mobilities for training, terms and conditions are discussed and set up and new contacts for signing up student internships are created. In long-term plan the University aims to improve the knowledge and skills of students, doctoral students, academic and non-academic staff in the context of transparency and compatibility between the system of higher education in Bulgaria and Europe with accordance with the Bologna process.
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