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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mobilities under the Erasmus + programme during the academic 2014/2015 had been managed on the grounds of inter-institutional agreements, the Erasmus guide and the institutional Programme of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen. The purpose of the project was to make the quality of education better through good practices and methods from the other universities, education internationalization and competence. The university maintains continuous contact with teachers and students traveling under the program in order to provide timely support before and during mobility - assistance with design documents (immediately before departure and observance by the Departmental Coordinator whether a change in the subjects they will close to the curriculum to be recognized after mobility). They were organized meetings with former Erasmus students and teachers in order to obtain information on their relationship to the program and its results. In December 2014, an information meeting where RhodesNow presents opportunities for student mobility for placements in Greece. Students had the opportunity to get acquainted with a company representative and get detailed information about the practices resulting in one student from tourism destination and a direction economy have made his practice in Greece from May 2015 to September 2016. Along with the financial incentives of company students also received valuable experience, skills, team work and expressed their willingness to participate in the Erasmus program in the next academic year. Except in Greece student placement of bachelors and masters were realized in Poland, Malta, Mobility training wasrealized by 25 students, their mobility was held in Turkey, Poland, Portugal, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, Czech Republic, etc. Students who participated in the program gained intercultural knowledge and competences and improve their language skills. Evidence of this are the successful efforts made by them in the host university disciplines good, very good and excellent ratings. Forty-eight outgoingmobilities were rezlizirani and of teaching and non-teaching staff of the university (for the purpose of teaching and learning). One of the teachers had special needs as a result of which received additional funding. Teachers and staff involved in the program, they gained and exchanged valuable experience with their colleagues from other universities; established new contacts and opportunities for joint projects. Based scheduling interinstitutional agreements with the University of Lodz, Cordoba, Bucharest, Trakya University, Edirne, "Nicolaus Copernicus" in Torun, etc., Shumen University has adopted three incoming students and 13 incoming prepodvateli. Two students from Poland were trained at the University - a bachelor in "Bulgarian philology" and a Master in "English Studies" by students from Spain are also trained in "English Studies" At the admitted students were provided Erasmus Be to adapt more quickly; They also had direct contact with the coordinators of the departments responsible for conducting the training. On the other hand incoming teachers lecturing in front of bachelors and masters of various disciplines at the Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. This also contributed to enhancing intercultural competences of both students and teachers in Shumen University. Therefore, it was important to continue the dissemination of information on the program through information boards in the premises of the University of sending ads to the main structural units and faculty and department Erasmus was koordinatori.Prodalzhena practice all interested persons wishing to apply for mobility receive information electronically (email, section "News" ( The purpose of this activity was to achieve better awareness of students and teachers greater interest in the program, and greater transparency, promptness and effectiveness in communication.
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