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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Utenos kolegija participated in Erasmus+ programme Key Action 1: Learning mobility of individuals/ Mobility project of higher education students and staff. All possible activities were implemented, such as student mobility for studies, student mobility for traineeships, including graduates' traineeships; staff mobility for teaching and staff mobility for training. The main objectives of mobility project implementation were to promote transnational mobility activities targeting students and staff and aiming to support students in acquisition of competencies with a view to improve their personal and professional development and employability skills such as self-management, team working, communication and literacy, business and customers awareness, problem solving, entrepreneurship, application of IT and positive attitudes. As well students and graduates had an opportunity after internship to have relevant experience within industrial practice. Staff had opportunities to continuous professional development and improvement of quality of teaching and training. staff and student had opportunity to develop their foreign languages competences, raise awareness and understanding of other countries and cultures. They were offered possibility to raise or build personal and professional network,participate in society life and develop a sense of European citizenship and identify. All project activities were designed to enhance attractiveness of European and Lithuanian higher education and Utenos kolegija as well. The Erasmus+ mobility project had following stages: a preparation, including practical arrangements, selection of participants, setting up the agreements with participants as well linguistic, inter cultural, task - related preparation. All these activities were conducted by responsible persons, such as Erasmus institutional coordinator, Erasmus + academic coordinators at the faculties, mainly all preparation activities were made in the way of group or individual consultations. Implementation of all project activities were conducted following the Erasmus+ programme guide and internal orders of our institution. All activities were made with compliance of Erasmus Policy Statement and Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020 and other legislation of European Union and the Republic of Lithuania. The last stage of the project implementation was evaluation of activities, the formal recognition of learning outcomes, dissemination and use of project outcomes. All activities related with students mobility for study and staff mobility for teaching were implemented with foreign partners institutions with whom we have signed Erasmus+ bilateral agreements. This moment we have 34 bilateral agreements for implementation of Erasmus programme in 11 countries.These agreements were developed with the aim of developing quality of learning and teaching in both institutions, based on mutual trust between institutions. Before start of activities were planned that 57 participants will take a part in the activities. But we had achieved better results and totally 88 participants participated in Erasmus + mobility activities. 11 students participated with "zero- grant" as they were granted from other sources from European Union funds. and funds of the republic of Lithuania. The most popular countries for studies were Latvia and Turkey. As well the biggest number of inbound students were from these countries. Totally we had 44 inbound students for studies and traineeships and 30 inbound staff. Totally our Erasmus+ mobility activities were implemented in 12 countries which participate in Erasmus + programme. Participation in Erasmus + mobility programme provides opportunities to institution and to person as well. This is the perfect possibility to gain new competences, know -how to use new teaching, training methods, build new contacts and networks. The periods of mobility raised the job satisfaction and motivation for professional development. Both sending, both receiving institution have positive impact from participation in Erasmus+ mobility programme, especially in implementation of internalization strategies and attractiveness of institution and on the development of " internalization at home". Participation in mobility programme is one of the criteria when are assessed running study programmes and institution at all; strengthening learning facilities and cooperation with social partners and world of business.

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