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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project was to increase the interntionalisation of our PhD courses in order to broaden the scientific horizon of students. SISSA has already established a large number of international agreements (more than 200) but they are not mainly focused on students. As we needed appropriate tools to establish contacts with new EU partners, the ERASMUS+ initiative seemed to be the right way. Three students (one for each scientific Area covered by our School, Mathematics, Neuroscience and Physics) went to three different countries (Spain, United Kingdom and Denmark). The main objective was to master new techniques (theoretical or experimental) in a different environment. Dr. Piazzalunga worked under the supervision of Prof. Angel Uranga and Dr. Hirotaka Hayash of the Instituto de Fisica Teorica at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. He got new results on the gauge theory interpretation of the real topological string. In particular, this involved the development of a new pi-shift mechanism for the Nekrasov instanton partition function, to be compared with real vertex techniques, as was initially planned, and it is a concrete step forward in his PhD thesis project. Dr. Sciarappa's topic was on Supersymmetry in two dimensions and supermanifolds. He visited the Mathematics Dept. of the King's College in London under the supervision of Prof. Simon Salomon. Though the project was more complicated than expected, the student was able to make many steps forwards, although more time was required in order to fully solve the problem. In the meantime he started new collaborations and wrote a paper that led to the completion of his PhD research project. Moreover, during his stay he was allowed to give seminars in England, which has been very helpful in promoting his research to the European scientific community. Dr. Lumaca investigated the neural correlates of prediction coding and working memory for musical motif by measn of MEG and EEG at the "Music in the Brain" center of the Aarhus University under the direction of Dr. Elvira Brattico.

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