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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Università della Valle d'Aosta-Université de la Vallée d'Aosta carried out a project within the Erasmus + Programme KA1, which initially was meant to cover 41 mobility activities subdivided as follows: student mobility for study: 15, student mobility for traineeships: 21, staff mobility for teaching: 2 and staff mobility for training: 2. The Università della Valle d'Aosta encourages international mobility via an ever-increasing network of partners built over years of cooperation. Currently, 31 Erasmus bilateral agreements operate with 13 countries. The Italian-French bilingualism in our Region certainly makes it easier to conclude and extend agreements in the French-speaking area, but the language bond is not the only criterion. Actually, contacts mainly established through research projects lay down the bases to strengthen relationships leading to individual mobilities. The number of mobility activities keeps on growing from year to year. As concerns the academic year under review, the quantitative and qualitative objectives stated in the Grant agreement concluded with the National Agency were fully achieved. Actually, 57 mobility activities were carried out subdivided as follows: student mobility for studies: 23, student mobility for traineeships: 33, staff mobility for teaching: 1. These activities took place in 9 countries (United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain, France, Hungary, Holland, Germany, Ireland and Romania). As can be seen, the above list does not only include French-speaking countries. The excellent results achieved, both quantitatively and qualitatively, surely depend on various aspects, but at the very heart of them is the great attention that our University pays to participants, especially via the Erasmus academic coordinators for each degree course and the International Relations Office staff. Our institution manages all the mobility steps (before, during and after the mobility) in a ‘one-to one’ relationship with each participant and this is a key asset. We actually assist them individually from the moment they apply until the end of the mobility. We help them choose the host institution/organisation, prepare their study plan (an ECTS recognition system in favour of students is a well-established practice) and solve their problems (both academic and practical) while they are abroad. A great attention, more evident during the mobility, is also paid to incoming students. They are welcomed one by one and find at our University all the answers they need to successfully carry on their mobility period in Italy. From an economical point of view, it is worth pointing out that the University greatly contributes to mobility grants. Actually, the 15 '0 grant' students were financed through the funds especially allocated by the University and the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. Furthermore, the Università della Valle d'Aosta funds an Italian language class for foreign students at the beginning of each semester. Quantitative results are also reflected in qualitative results. Students' mobility activities are highly successful (in terms of the number of exams being passed abroad) and lead to a high score of overall satisfaction. This is because examinations are chosen carefully before the mobility and Learning agreements are especially tailored to the participants' needs and inclinations. The greatest impact is a virtuous circle, in that students spread their satisfaction by word of mouth thus contributing to a potential rise in the number of students who go on a mobility the following year. In particular, we have noticed that participants are more aware of the importance for their future of learning foreign languages and are more flexible and adaptable. Moreover, a new dynamics of socialization has arisen among generations. All of this indirectly contributes to enriching the courses offered and raising the quality of higher education at our institution. In a medium to long term perspective, there will be a positive impact on the Valle d'Aosta Region, in particular the level of qualification of graduates will be enhanced both directly (through their potential participation in the programme) and indirectly (through a skill improvement for the teaching and the administrative staff involved in the mobility actions). This achievement will have a further positive feedback in the Region, where graduates will probably start their professional career, and will pave the way to a new generation with a sound and critical European spirit. This will in the end strengthen the sense of European citizenship.

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