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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Learning Mobility of Individuals Erasmus + project in ESEL's develops within periods for studies/training, teaching and training missions. It aims provide to: national students a period of study / training in an european university and foreign students a period of study / training in ESEL; the teaching assignments in ESEL to teachers in european universities for the dissemination of scientific and pedagogical knowledge; and staff to exchange experiences . As regards the profile of the participants 48 students (11 students 3rd year and 37 year 4 students) conducted studies mobility / training for periods ranging from 3-5 months. Six ESEL's teachers did teaching assignments in HEI partner integrated into the teaching activities of these HEIs. One (1) staff joined an international week for a training . The mobility activities were for studies / training, teaching assignments for teachers and training for staff. There were also develop meetings to prepare the mobility periods through information sessions, planning and organization and meetings with international partners visit to ESEL. The objectives of the Erasmus + in ESEL for the year 2014 were achieved considering that the results are positive and have long-term impact particularly in the academic development of students with added value on a professional level and the consolidation of international relations.

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