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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context and antecedents of the Project: “Ágora IES” is a High School Centre that through the Erasmus+ programme is participating in individual learnig movements of students and teachers. Our Erasmus+ programme is the second part of the Erasmus Programme that took place successfully in the 2008-2014 period. Objectives : The project is designed for High Level Short Cycles students. They can put into practice the subject of learning in job centres in European enterprises improving their competences personally and professionally due to the participation in enterprises out of their local environment. Number and profile of the participants: 7 movements have been made, 6 for Practice Students and 1 for a teacher. The students belong to High Level Short Cycles of the professional families of Finance and Administration, Computer Studies and Commerce and Marketing. Description of the activities developed: Meetings with the students and teachers to explain them the Erasmus+ programme and the KA103 project. Application form date for the participants and their selection.. Contacts with the enterprises for the learning agreements: Meetings with the chosen participants to sign the documents, to explain them the characteristics and peculiarities of the countries and destination enterprises, rights and responsibilities of the Erasmus students, etc. Achieved results and the previewed long-term benefits: The student movements have been a great experience for themselves, improving their language competence, their attitude to the working enterprises and European cultures. And an indirect result on the rest of the students and teachers when they shared their experience with them. The teacher movement has influenced directly on his students and department colleagues with the new learnt techniques. The Project has been a reference in our High School, improving the interest in our Short Cycles and in the movement, the increase of application forms to study in Ágora IES with the 35 demands we had in order to make a single movement in the year 2016-2017. Thanks to the international movement our School is participating with the Erasmus+ Programme, we are building an integrated centre with the European reality, having permanent contacts with enterprises and students that remain in the destination country for working. Speaking about the topic in class and even modifying some programmes to include topics directly connected with job and different enterprises in European companies.

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