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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Arteveldehogeschool's (AHS) overall internationalization strategy considers internationalization as THE driving force behind its core activities (educational development, research and services to society) both at programme and organizational level. Within this international strategy, mobility plays a key role. Personal and professional growth, together with world citizenship, are the 3 pilars of the AHS educational concept. This project aims to enhance the acquisition of intercultural/international skills with students and staff through more qualitative and structurally embedded mobility opportunities in the curricula for students and in the career paths for staff (raising quality and quantity of mobility). In total, 391 mobility flows occurred in 2014/2015. More specifically 291 students and 100 staff members of AHS took part in mobility, of which 197 SMS, 94 SMP, 90 STA and 10 STT. The male-female ratio reflects more or less the student and staff population at AHS. 57% of the outgoing students in 2014/2015 was female, and also 57% of the outgoing staff was female. The impact on the competences of both students and staff were significant and will form the basis for further actions at programme and organizational/service level. AHS wants to further raise the quantity and quality of mobility as a means to build towards a more integrated internationalization strategy at all levels within the institution. The sharper focus on strategic partnerships and professionalization of staff, is part of that approach.
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