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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the further development of Erasmus in the IRFSS Basse-Normandie, the period 2014-2016 has seen a new partnership with the High School of Namur in Belgium towards both training Nurses (FDI) and Assistant training Social Service (SSA). Mobilities training allowed us to test the feasibility of our partnership and thereby formalize bilateral agreements between the High School of Namur and IRFSS Normandy for its social formation (of Social Work) in February 2016 . They also favored the encounter between pedagogical responsible for training nurse and the host organization in mobility training (Spring 2016) of these 3 students as part of the bilateral agreements signed in 2015 .
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