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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In Secondary school Cánovas del Castillo higher education of tourism and computing vocational training are taught. We are for long taking advantage of work centers formation system in order to let students to have the experience of working and learning abroad. At the beginning these practices abroad were processed by an Andalusian government rule according to a Leonardo and Erasmus projects. Finally we decided to ask for an Erasmus+ project. These are the specific targets of this project: - International promoting of our school and students. - Learning about other languages and cultures - Encouraging European culture and values. - Learning about foreigner work systems. -Integration and interaction with the local population-To give the students the opportunity of finding work in another country, which nowadays could be even more important given the current economic crisis that we are going through in Spain. -With reference to teachers mobility, the possibility of getting in touch with our partners, learning about teaching and organizational strategies which could be put into practice in our school, improving our own knowledge of the language as well as visits to check up on the students. Among the general objectives: - Promotion of peace and people understanding. - Increase of global vision of the human being as European and World citizen. - Achievement of a better knowledge which increases the solidarity and tolerance among people of different origins. - Finally, being ambitious and expressing the comments of a student who already took advantage of the programme, to change and make better the lifes of students. Number and profile of participants : Eight students and five teachers of higher vocational school, have had the opportunity to carry out mobilities. Regarding the students, seven of them were studing Travel Guide, Information and Tourism Asistance Vocational studies and one Tourist Accomodation Management studies. Five of them have done internships abroad still in their training perior and two, after finishing their studies. The activities carried out have depended on the business sector and have been Hotel Management, Tourist Guide Services and Tourist Information. In the hotel sector, tasks related to the reception service, customer assistance , and event management . In the guidance escort and guided tours sector, design, management and sale of excursions, tours and other services, as well as administrative procedures derived from these services. Results and impact achieved . One of the most remarkable facts is that six of our eight students have had the possibility of continuing on their respectives companys with a labour contract. Not all of them accepted the offer, but nowadays we have three of our students working in a foreign country, two of them in partner companies and one in a different company. As far as the companies operate in the tourism and hospitality industry, where the contact with the customer is an essential point, the students have improved notably their languages and comunication skills in a foreign language. A proof of this is the positive valuations of customers. Evidence of this are the many favorable comments from customers regarding the service provided by our students that we find on Trip Advisor website. Exchange students from previous years have had informal meeting with current students. These meeting has been very important as the number of mobility applications of the second year students has been increased. In the same way, the presentation of our European programme to other teachers at the school has also had very positive consequences. Thus, some computer students have applied for internships under Erasmus+ programme. Additionally, our centre is preparing a new project for applying under KA2 programme. -As it is the first time we develop this project on our own, we have found certain administrative and management difficulties which we expect to solve in future editions. - Program coordinator has had conversations with other educational centers and institutions about the advantages and possibilities of participating in Erasmus + Program (CEIP Maria del Mar Romera, CEIP Josefina Aldecoa, Escuela Infantil Aula Futura, Caprama, AMPA Baluma, Rincon de la Victoria Education Council). She has participated as a speaker in a Teacher Course about the Erasmus + program and she has collaborated with the Spanish National Agency as an assessor
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