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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Comillas has been a pioneer in the implementation of international programs and strongly believes in the benefits that the increase in international activities will bring to the Institution. The priority that Comillas gives to internationalization has its roots in the conviction that gaining knowledge of the world, other cultures and other languages is absolutely vital to foment solidarity and social justice, an objective that may be found in the Mission Statement of the University. Internationalization means that our students should go abroad to study, but also it is an activity that attracts talent. Among the goals stated in the Strategic Plan can be found the increase in the number of courses taught in English and specific programs to attract foreign students as well as excellent foreign professors, both as permanent staff, as well as through short-stay arrangements and the use of guest professors. Moreover, these goals include the consolidation of the policy to promote international research exchanges at prestigious institutions, as well as, alternatively, periods of stay for projects in development cooperation and the increase of linguistic abilities in English and other languages by the Professors and Administrative Personnel. The objective of Comillas is to provide students with a well-rounded education and to that end it is essential to have international experience which helps to improve overall quality and the relevance of our activities. This project is within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, more specifically within Key Action 1: Mobility of individuals. 334 members of the University participated, with the following breakdown of numbers: 1. Student Mobility for studies between and among the countries in the program: 267 2. Student Mobility for internships between and among the countries in the program: 45 3. Mobility of Learners and Staff between and among countries in the program: 11 4. Staff Mobility Training between and among countries in the program: 11 Of the students who carried out Student Mobility, 169 received funds from the European Union, while the rest of the students did not receive a grant or any funds. The countries of destination of the students, both in internships and in student mobility, were the following: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Turkey and United Kingdom. The countries in which our professors taught classes were: Finland, France, Germany, Italy and United Kingdom. For Staff Training, Comillas personnel travelled for both the exchange of good practices as well as for in situ observation for training. The destinations chosen were: Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands and United Kingdom. Participation in this program will allow individuals to expand our relations and to improve international outreach in the companies with which we work as well as to contribute to our local region.

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