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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Social organizations were appropriate to the project goals. Some partners were former satisfactory result and other partners were new and the experience was just as successful past experiences. The expected results were achieved. The project arose from the needs expressed by the Teaching Departments in different health sectors, where pass mobilities. Prior to this project, they were made in previous years, like mobility, albeit with different partners and countries, sometimes. Objectives for achieving the targets: To analyze and address the teaching and learning needs of all participants in formal higher education and vocational education degree at our institution raised through the Teaching Departments and meetings with students and pave the way to achieve our aspirations. To support the realization of a European Higher Education Area. Reinforce the contribution of higher education and training at tertiary level to the innovation process. Improve the quality and increase the mobility of students and teachers in Europe. Improve the quality and enhance multilateral cooperation between European higher education institutions. Increase transparency and compatibility between higher education qualifications and vocational education qualifications gained in Europe. Improve the quality and enhance multilateral cooperation between European higher education institutions. Facilitate the development of innovative practices in education and training at tertiary level, and their transfer, including from one participating country to others. Support the development of content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong education and ICT-based. Number of participants: 8 participants of trainees (May be eligible for EU funds and 3 scholarships zero). 4 mobilities personnel. Teachers who want to update their knowledge to improve the methodology and materials for your classes and support for mobility of estudiantes.Alumnos interested in adapting to the demands of the labor market at European level and improve the understanding of the economic and social culture of the country which is concerned with the aim of acquiring work experience. Participate as a beneficiary of this project requires: autonomy in a foreign language, emotional stability that will address a change of life, motivation, maturity, flexibility and adaptability. Description of activities: Analytical studies of human biological samples, interpreting and assessing results, to serve as support clinical diagnosis in clinical laboratory analysis. Perform the inspection to identify, control, monitor, evaluate and correct the environmental risk factors for health, education and developing health promotion. Identify and monitor risks to the health of the general population associated with the use of water, air and other sources of energy, chemicals and associated vectors of interest in health, solid waste management and promoting health in environmental education. Performed in a dental clinic the following activities: management of work in the cabinet of Oral Hygiene. Exploration and oral prevention. Oral epidemiological surveillance. Health education and health promotion. Dietetics and nutrition: Develop and monitor diets tailored to people, according to their nutritional needs and according to his specific pathology. Controlling the composition of food to determine its hygienic-dietary quality. Monitor the storage, handling and processing of food. Promote food education. Results and impacts obtained, and long-term benefits: Improved programming of curriculum development, through the FCT tutors and proposed host company tutors. Institutional networking. Implementation (ECTS). Promotion of reflection best suited for mobilities sites and evaluating them. Improving international and national visibility of my institution. And strengthening cooperation between the institution and companies. Modernizing higher education (with respect to the relevance of curricula, development of learning strategies) .In the host organizations have also desired impact, since they are provided training program, for comparison, suggestions for improvement or enrichment its programs, to increase the durability of the project results. Some Erasmus students got jobs.
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