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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Jan Kochanowski University completed a 16-month project 2014-1-PL01-KA103-000183 concerning the mobility of students and university staff in the cooperation with programme countries. The project started on 1 June 2014 and successfully concluded on 30 September 2015. The project implemented within the Erasmus+ Programme at the Jan Kochanowski University was in accordance with the development strategy adopted in our university, Erasmus Policy Statement, the quality policy of the Erasmus + and modernization programme for higher education in the field of internationalization.The assumption of the project was the realization of designated qualitative and quantitative objectives.The aim of the project was the participation of the largest possible number of participants in the Erasmus+ programme, according to the financial agreement with the National Agency. The aim of the project was also to strengthen the competence of the teaching and administrative staff through numerous international contacts, exchange of knowledge and experiences with universities and foreign institutions staff. Thanks to the participation in the project, students had the opportunity to broaden their personal development, increasing their chances on the labor market. The project involved 79 persons, of whom 46 were students, and 33 were university staff. Among students, 38 persons benefited from Mobility for studies between Programme Countries, and 8 students from Mobility for traineenships between Programme Countries. In the group of academic staff, 31 teachers from all university faculties realized didactic objectives within Staff mobility for teaching between Programme Countries, and 2 administrative staff realized training objectives within Staff mobility for training between Programme Countries.The most often, mobility was realized in Spanish universities (18 persons), followed in Italian (8 persons) and the Czech ones (8 persons). Within the Erasmus+ programme, 22 incoming students and 12 academic staff from foreign univeristies, realized their mobility at the Jan Kochanowski University. Programme was managed by the Institutional Coordinator for Erasmus+ Programme, with the participation of staff from International Relations Office and in consultation with faculty and institute coordinators. The university staff, as well as study buddies, who were involved in the project, provided support to outgoing and incoming students in the field of mobility organization. The university also used the OLS platform for better linguistically preparation of outgoing students. Particularly valuable were learning outcomes, obtained by the mobility participants. They contributed significantly to their professional and personal development. In online reports it was emphasized the increase in social, language and culture skills. The important element of the project was its promotion and dissemination at the university, but also in Kielce.
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